Config the API Host in next.config.js file.
example := env:{
Create a DataBase called cebmr_sys and run 'php artisan migrate'.
run 'php artisan serve' for start the Server.
route : */api/login
Methods : POST
For Authentication
Parameters : email / password -
route : */api/register
Methods : POST
For Register an user
Parameters : email / name /password -
route : */api/me
Methods : GET
For get a Reader's Account Information.
Headers : Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN -
route : */api/customer
Methods : POST
For Register a new Customer Account.
Parameters : customer_name / account_number
Headers : Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN -
route : */api/customer/check/{ACCOUNT_NUMBER}
Methods : GET
For Register a new Customer Account.
Headers : Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN -
route : */api/bill
Methods : POST
For Save a new Bill.
Parameters : account_number / date / id / units
Headers : -H Authorization: bearer ACCESS_TOKEN -
route : */api/bill/{ACCOUNT_NUMBER}
Methods : GET
For Get the Bills.
Parameters : offset / limit