A curated list of awesome Beef frameworks, libraries and resources.
Inspired by awesome-python.
The official documentation and resource for the Beef programming language.
- Official website - Official website of the Beef programming language.
- Official documentation - Official documentation explaining how the language works and its philosophy.
- Corelib documentation - Auto generated documentation for the core library.
- Official repository - Repository hosting the language and its associated IDE.
Beef LSP - An unofficial LSP server which works with any LSP-compatible editor and a Visual Studio Code extension.
Try Beef - A web based editor for compiling and running simple Beef programs.
Libraries providing implementations of algorithms
- RGBeef - Create, convert, and manipulate color spaces.
- Beef-Hash - Collection of hashing algorithms.
- Beef-OpenSSL - Beef port of OpenSSL.
- FastNoise_Beef - Beef port of the FastNoise Lite library.
- Beef-FMOD - Beef bindings for the FMOD audio processing library.
- BeefBass - Beef Wrapper for the 'Bass' Audio Library.
- System.Caching - A BeefLang implementation of .net System.Runtime.Caching, useful to prevent double-triggering, response caching, data caching, etc.
Libraries for building CLI applications
- CowieCLI - Awesome command line arguments parsing library.
Libraries related to coroutines and multithread programming
- Minicoro-beef - Wrapper for the C asymetric coroutines library.
Awesome game development libraries and frameworks.
- Strawberry - A 2D game engine using SDL, focused on usability and simplicity.
- Tilengine-beef - Beef Language wrapper for Tilengine 2D Graphics Engine.
- Pile - A simple extendable game framework.
- Raylib-beef - Autogenerated raylib bindings for the newest version of raylib.
- Raylib-beef 3.7 - Handmade bindings for the version 3.7 of raylib.
- BGFX-beef - A Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
- Also linked in the official BGFX repository.
- Box2D-beef - 2D physics engine for games.
- Bulkan - Low level Vulkan bindings.
- Chipmunk2D-beef - A simple, lightweight, fast and portable 2D rigid body physics library.
- directx-beef - Beef wrapper library for Direct3D 11.
- Dxc-Beef - DirectXShaderCompiler bindings
- Glfw-beef - Beef wrapper library for GLFW.
- Opengl-beef - OpenGL loader for Beef.
- SDL2-beef - SDL2 Wrapper, synced with SDL2 shipped with Beef.
- SDL3-Beef - A binding for SDL3 to Beef, trying to be as close to the original interface as possible.
- Shaderc-beef - A Beef wrapper library for Shaderc.
- sokol-beef - Auto generated library for sokol headers.
- SoLoud-beef - easy to use, free, portable c/c++ audio engine for games.
- SPIRV-Cross-Beef - SPIRV-Cross bindings.
- WGPU-beef - Beef wrapper library for WGPU (more specifically wgpu-native).
- BeefFNT - A Beef library for reading and writing AngelCode bitmap fonts in binary, XML, and text.
Libraries and frameworks for general GUI programming
- ImGui
- ImGui-beef - Beef wrapper library for ImGui.
- ImGuibgfx-beef - ImGui wrapper using SDL2 and BGFX.
- ImGui-Vulkan-beef - Vulkan backend for Dear ImGui in Beef.
- LibUI-beef - A libui-ng binding for Beeflang
- Mince - A GUI Toolkit for use with the Beef Programming Language.
- NativeFileDialog-beef - Portable library to invoke native file dialogs.
- Ultralight-beef - Write UI code for your game/application with web technologies (HTML/CSS/JS) using a lightweight web renderer.
Inversion of Control libraries and frameworks
- Steak.DependencyInjection - Simple dependency injection library.
Libraries for image loading and processing
- StbImageBeef - Beef port of the stb_image.h C header library.
Libraries related to interoperability
- Collagen - Generates a C API to export Beef objects and to allow foreign implementations of Beef interfaces.
Linq related libraries.
- Beef.Linq - An awesome Beef library to mimic .NETs linq, but better and faster.
Logging libraries and frameworks.
- Steak.Logging - An awesome logging library for Beef.
Multimedia related libraries.
- FFmpeg-Beef - FFmpeg bindings for BeefLang.
Networking related libraries
- Beef-Net - BeefLang networking library, based on lNet
Awesome scripting libraries.
- KeraLua-Beef - Native bindings of Lua 5.4 for BeefLang
- Lua-beef - BeefLang wrapper library for Lua.
Libraries for serializing and parsing text
- Atma.Json - Json serialization framework.
- Beef-toml - Toml parser/serializer library.
- bon - A reflection based structure serialization library designed for Beef.
- json - A light arbitrary JSON tree read and write library.
- Xml-Beef - Single-file XML parser in Beef with doctype support.
- beef_sead - Base64 encoder and decoder.
IDE themes.
- Base16TomorrowDark - Base 16 Tomorrow Dark Theme.
- Dracula - Dracula theme.
- OneDarkPro - Atom's iconic One Dark theme.
- SimplyDark - Simple dark theme.
- SimplyLight - Simple Visual Studio -esque light theme.
Libraries for parsing and manipulating plain texts.
- Oregano - Regex implementation supporting captures, lookarounds and backreferences.
- TinyRegex - Tiny implementation of a subset of Regex.
To show or explain what beef is capable of.
- Beef DLL Creation & Research - Showcase of a fully functional Beef DLL.
- SampleListener - Example of an echo server showing the use of System.Net.Socket to listen for clients connections.
Your contributions are always welcome! Please take a look at the contribution guidelines first.
I will keep some pull requests open if I'm not sure whether those libraries are awesome, you could vote for them by adding đź‘Ť to them. Pull requests will be merged when their votes reach 20.