This package provides a collection of binary trees implemented in Julia.
Currently, it includes the following binary trees:
- AVL Tree: A self-balancing binary search tree.
To install BinaryTrees.jl, use the Julia's package manager:
] add
An AVL tree is a binary search tree that keeps itself balanced to ensure efficient search, insertion, and deletion operations.
using BinaryTrees
tree = AVLTree{Int,Float64}()
# check if tree is empty
# insert nodes into the tree
BinaryTrees.insert!(tree, 2, 2.2) # root node
BinaryTrees.insert!(tree, 1, 1.1) # left node
BinaryTrees.insert!(tree, 3, 3.3) # right node
# update the value of the node
BinaryTrees.insert!(tree, 2, 2.4)
# search for nodes using their keys, 2) # root node, 1) # left node, 3) # right node
# search previous and next node using keys
BinaryTrees.prevnext(tree, 2)
# delete nodes from the tree
BinaryTrees.delete!(tree, 1)
BinaryTrees.delete!(tree, 3)
# tree that only has keys
tree = AVLTree{Int}()
BinaryTrees.insert!(tree, 2) # root node
BinaryTrees.insert!(tree, 1) # left node
BinaryTrees.insert!(tree, 3) # right node