AbstractFFTs v1.0.0
Closed issues:
- Type instability in fftshift/ifftshift (#36)
- Support for DoubleFloats (#39)
- Add support of Frequencies on non-0 Nyquist Band to fftfreq? (#41)
Merged pull requests:
- Simplify expression (#37) (@emmt)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#38) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Use tuples in fftshift, and add copy method (#40) (@mcabbott)
- Update docstrings for fftfreq and rfftfreq (#43) (@jishnub)
- Lazy broadcasting for Frequencies (#44) (@jishnub)
- Fast extrema computation for Frequencies (#45) (@jishnub)
- Update TagBot.yml (#46) (@jishnub)
- Improve inferrability (#48) (@timholy)
- MassInstallAction: Install the CI workflow on this repository (#49) (@timholy)
- MassInstallAction: Install the Documenter workflow on this repository (#50) (@timholy)