This repository contains comprehensive documentation for integrating with Karpeles Lab Inc systems and APIs.
- API Basics - Documentation for working with the PHP Platform REST API
- User Flow - Guide for implementing user authentication and registration flows
- KLB API Describe Tool - Manual for using the klbfw-describe command-line tool for API exploration
- KLB Framework JavaScript - Documentation for the JavaScript framework integration
- KLB Framework i18n - Guide for implementing internationalization with i18next
- KLB Framework Flutter - Documentation for the Flutter package integration
This documentation provides detailed information for developers integrating with Karpeles Lab Inc systems. The guides cover both API endpoints and user interface integration requirements.
The API Basics guide covers:
- Authentication methods
- Request and response formats
- HTTP status codes
- Error handling
- Pagination
- Resource operations
- Query filters
- Rate limiting
- Example requests
The User Flow guide covers:
- Step-by-step process for user authentication and registration
- API response format
- UI element specifications
- Common flow actions
- Implementation guidelines
- Security considerations
- Example flows
The KLB API Describe Tool manual covers:
- Installation and basic usage
- Command-line options
- Output formats (formatted, raw JSON, TypeScript)
- Understanding different API endpoint types
- Best practices for API discovery and integration
- Calling conventions and API path structure
- Troubleshooting and common issues
The KLB Framework JavaScript documentation covers:
- Setting up and integrating the JavaScript framework
- Available components and utilities
- Authentication integration
- API communication
- Event handling
- Client-side validation
- Examples and usage patterns
The KLB Framework i18n guide covers:
- Setting up internationalization with i18next
- Preparing CSV translation files
- Using translations in your code
- Language detection
- Troubleshooting and best practices
The KLB Framework Flutter documentation covers:
- Installing and initializing the Flutter package
- Authentication with OAuth2
- Making API requests (authenticated, unauthenticated, optional authentication)
- User management features
- File uploads with progress tracking
- Deep link handling
- Error handling
- Review the API Basics document to understand how to authenticate and make API requests
- Follow the User Flow documentation to implement user authentication and registration
- Use the KLB API Describe Tool to explore and understand available API endpoints
- Integrate the KLB Framework JavaScript for client-side implementation
- Set up i18n with i18next for multi-language support
- Use the KLB Framework Flutter for mobile application development
When working with Claude on KLB system projects, add the describe MCP tool to claude (replace "project" with "user" for global usage):
claude mcp add klbfw-describe -s project -- npx -y @karpeleslab/klbfw-describe --mcp
For support or questions about integrating with Karpeles Lab Inc systems, please contact the development team.