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A good ML/DL resource links compiled by Siba Smarak Panigrahi
Feel free to add any resources into the above doc (by adding a comment in the doc)
Feedback OR AI related paper suggestion
- Paper: A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style
- Authors: Leon A. Gatys, Alexander S. Ecker, Matthias Bethge
- Presenters: Siba Smarak Panigrahi and Sohan Patnaik
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Paper: Dank Learning: Generating Memes Using Deep Neural Networks
- Authors: Abel L Peirson V, E Meltem Tolunay
- Presenters: Siba Smarak Panigrahi and Sohan Patnaik
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Paper: Humor in Word Embeddings: Cockamamie Gobbledegook for Nincompoops
- Authors: Limor Gultchin, Genevieve Patterson, Nancy Baym, Nathaniel Swinger, Adam Tauman Kalai
- Presenters: Siba Smarak Panigrahi and Sohan Patnaik
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Paper: Gather-Excite: Exploiting Feature Context in Convolutional Neural Networks
- Authors: Jie Hu, Li Shen, Samuel Albanie, Gang Sun, Andrea Vedaldi
- Presenters: Siba Smarak Panigrahi and Sohan Patnaik
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Topic:
Neural Machine Translation with Attention Mechanism
- Presenters: Aditi Singhania
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Topic:
Bagging and Boosting
- Presenters: Siba Smarak Panigrahi and Sohan Patnaik
- Presentation Playlist: YouTube
- Topic: Guide Me: Interacting with Deep Networks
- Authors : Christian Rupprecht, Iro Laina, Nassir Navab, Gregory D. Hager, Federico Tombari
- Presenters: Siba Smarak Panigrahi and Sohan Patnaik
- Song for the Session: Sweet - Fox on the Run
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Topic: Does It Make Sense? And Why? A Pilot Study for Sense-Making and Explanation
- Authors : Cunxiang Wang, Shuailong Liang, Yue Zhang, Xiaonan Li, Tian Gao
- Presenters: Siba Smarak Panigrahi and Sohan Patnaik
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Topic: Unifying Vision-and-Language Tasks via Text Generation
- Authors : Jaemin Cho, Jie Lei, Hao Tan, Mohit Bansal
- Presenters: Siba Smarak Panigrahi
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Topic: Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift
- Authors : Sergey Ioffe, Christian Szegedy
- Presenters: Sohan Patnaik and Yatindra Indoria
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Topic: GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation
- Authors : Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher, Christopher D. Manning
- Presenters: Sohan Patnaik and Yatindra Indoria
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Topic: Rethinking Style Transfer: From Pixels to Parameterized Brushstrokes
- Authors : Dmytro Kotovenko, Matthias Wright, Arthur Heimbrecht, Björn Ommer
- Presenters: Sohan Patnaik and Kishan Pandey
- Presentation Link: YouTube
- Topic: Thinking Fast and Slow: Efficient Text-to-Visual Retrieval with Transformers
- Authors : Antoine Miech, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Ivan Laptev, Josef Sivic, Andrew Zisserman
- Presenters: Sohan Patnaik and Siba Smarak Panigrahi
- Presentation Link: YouTube