Python Script to download all comics from
It downloads each comic to seperate folder "OatmealComics/ComicName" where ComicName is the name of the comic. It DOES NOT download comics which are already downloaded, incase you run the script again.
Usage is as follows:
Just run the python script. No input is taken from the user. Requires BeautifulSoup to run.
For any queries, please drop a line to [email protected] Thanks!
------------------------------------------------ 华丽的分割线 ------------------------------------------------------
在伯乐在线上偶然看到了这篇文章《你所写过的最好的Python脚本是什么?》(,对于其中的 网站漫画下载器比较感兴趣,所以就fork了一把,结果由于众所周知的原因,运行会报timeout错误。为了能够顺利下载,我对脚本小小的改造了一番,以适应 我大天朝的奇葩网络。
- 使用requests模块,因为我对urllib不太熟悉
- 加入proxy处理
- 修改若干PEP8错误
- 修改文件存储目录,原脚本将下载的文件目录放在和脚本所在的上一目录,现修改为和脚本同一目录下
- 你需要安装一个代理工具,例如Goagent,Wallproxy等
- 你需要安装BeautifulSoup4,安装方法:pip install beautifulsoup4