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Kloudless Node API (Deprecated)


Install kloudless to your application with the following command:

npm install --save kloudless

You can also install the latest version from our GitHub page:

npm install git://

Node-specific docs and examples

REST API docs available here:

API methods are called in the scheme of...

kloudless.<resource>.<method>(<data-json>, <callback>);

We'll start with a couple of examples:

var async = require('async'); // for clean demonstration

// If you want to use Bearer tokens, enter an empty string in place of the API key
var kloudless = require('kloudless')('your-api-key-here');

var fs = require('fs');

var accountId, fileId;

  function(cb) {
    // If you are using a Bearer token, you can assign it like so:

    // to get the base account data
    kloudless.accounts.base({}, function(err, data, response) {
      if (err) {
        return console.log("Error getting the account data: " + err);
      // assuming you authorized at least one service (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)
      console.log("We got the account data!");
      accountId = data["objects"][0]["id"];

  function(cb) {
    // read file as Buffer to pass in to files.upload()
    var fileBuffer = fs.readFileSync('./test.txt');

    // to upload a file to the account we just got data for
      "name": "test.txt",
      "account_id": accountId,
      "parent_id": "root",
      "file": fileBuffer,
      // all API calls can specify URL query parameters by defining "queryParams"
      "queryParams": {
        "overwrite": "true"
    }, function(err, data, response) {
      if (err) {
        console.log("Error uploading file: " + err);
        return cb(err);
      console.log("We uploaded the file!");
      fileId = data['id'];

  function (cb){
    // and now we're going to download that file we just uploaded
    // method 1 : use Buffer to concatenate each chunks
      "account_id": accountId,
      "file_id": fileId
    }, function(err, filestream) {
      if (err) {
        return console.log("Files contents: " + err);
      var filecontents = '';
      console.log("got the filestream:");
      filestream.on('data', function (chunk) {
        console.log("reading in data chunk...");
        filecontents = Buffer.concat([filecontents, chunk]);
      filestream.on('end', function () {
        console.log("finished reading file!");
        fs.writeFile("download.jpg", filecontents, function (err) {
          console.log('write file error:' + err);
  function (cb) {
    // and now we're going to download that file we just uploaded
    // method 2 : pipe the filestream directly
      "account_id": accountId,
      "file_id": fileId
    }, function (err, filestream) {
      if (err) {
        return console.log("Files contents: " + err);
      console.log("got the filestream:");

Resources and Methods

All API calls can specify URL query parameters by defining "queryParams". See file upload example above.


No required parameters for accounts.base()


Required params: account_id


Required params: account_id

Applications API

Read Management API Docs #Applications for more information.


No required parameters for applications.list()
Optional URL query parameters:

  • active
  • page_size
  • page


Required params: application_id


Required params: name
Optional parameters:

  • name
  • description
  • logo_url
  • implicit_grant_enabled
  • recent_enabled
  • events_grant_enabled
  • source


Required params: application_id
Optional parameters:

  • description
  • logo_url
  • active
  • implicit_grant_enabled
  • recent_enabled
  • events_grant_enabled


Required params: application_id

Developers API

Read Management API Docs #Developers for more information.


No required parameters for applications.list()


Required params: developer_id


Required params: developer_id
Optional parameters:

  • first_name
  • last_name


Required params: account_id, parent_id, file, name "file" should be an instance of Buffer. You can create a Buffer like this: var your_var_name = new Buffer("the file contents go here") "name" should be the name of the file after it's uploaded.


Parameters: options

options is an options object with keys:

  • account_id -- the ID of the account you're uploading to (i.e. the account which owns the S3/Azure bucket)
  • parent_id -- the ID of the folder you're uploading the file to
  • file -- a Buffer or ReadStream of the file being uploaded
  • name -- the name of the file after it's uploaded
  • overwrite -- (optional) a boolean to overwrite a file with the same name
  • max_connections -- (optional) the maximum number of concurrent connections, defaults to 5
  • max_retries -- (optional) the maximum number of times a dropped connection is retried, defaults to 3

This method returns a MultipartUpload extends EventEmitter that emits the following events:

  • start(session_id) -- fired after the initialisation completes and file transfer begins, passing the multipart session ID
  • progress(completion) -- fired after every successful chunk transfer, passing a completion state
  • complete -- fired after a transfer is finished, regardless of whether it succeeds. Fires after success state events
  • success(result) -- fires after a transfer completes successfully, passing the metadata of the newly uploaded file
  • error(err, completion) -- fires after a transfer encounters a fatal error, passing the error and a completion state
  • abort -- fires after a transfer is aborted

Completion states are objects with keys:

  • completed -- some integer of completed parts
  • account_id -- the current account ID, used to resume interrupted uploads
  • session_id -- the current session ID, used to resume interrupted uploads
  • offset -- the offset of completed parts, used to resume interrupted uploads

Completion states can be committed to disk and then passed into resumeMultipart to resume uploads that were interrupted by server crashes.

The MultipartUpload also exposes the following methods:

  • abort() -- aborts the transfer


Parameters: options

options is a completion state, with at least keys:

  • account_id -- the account ID to resume
  • session_id -- the session ID to resume
  • offset -- the current session offset

This method returns a MultipartUpload which behaves exactly as if constructed in a standard upload.


Parameters: options

options is an options object with keys:

  • account_id -- the ID of the account with a session to abort
  • session_id -- the ID of the session to abort Aborts the specified multipart upload session to prevent storage leaks.


Required params: account_id, file_id Gets metadata for the file. Not for downloading. If you want to download, use contents().


Required params: account_id, file_id


Required params: account_id, file_id, parent_id "parent_id" should be the ID of the folder you wish to move the file to.


Required params: account_id, file_id, name This is a vanity method, files can also be renamed using the move() method by including the desired "name" parameter.


Required params: account_id, file_id Returns a FileStream. See code example for files.contents() above. Example also in test.js.


Required params: account_id, parent_id, name


Required params: account_id, folder_id


Required params: account_id, folder_id


Required params: account_id, folder_id, parent_id


Required params: account_id, folder_id, name This is a vanity function just like files.rename(). folders.move() can be used to rename as well.


Required params: account_id, folder_id


Required params: account_id


Required params: account_id, file_id "file_id" should be the file you want to link to.


Required params: account_id, link_id


Required params: account_id, link_id

Optional parameters:

  • active: enables the link if true, disables the link if false.
  • password: set a password for the link.
  • expiration: set an expiration date for the link. Can be an instance of Date() or a number (in milliseconds).


Required params: account_id, link_id


Required params: account_id


Required params: account_id

Optional parameters:

  • cursor: The cursor to begin obtaining events at.
  • page_size: The number of entries to retrieve.


Required params: account_id

Optional parameters:

  • user_id: The id of the particular user.


Required params: account_id, user_id


In /test directory

API_KEY=<api key> node index.js

Test meta API with Jest

In project root directory

DEV_KEY=<developer key> API_HOST=<> API_PORT=443 npm test

Some other env vars that may be useful are:

  • API_CA
  • TEST_ACCOUNT_FOLDER (multipart.js only)