This is a Docker compose exercise made for the Capgemini Engineering Docker workshop.
A MySQL database consisting of one table with some movies (see database/database.sql).
The webapp retrieves the movies from the database and shows them in a HTML page. This webapp is build using Flask (a Python Microframework).
First create a separate network for the database and webapp by running: docker network create --driver bridge docker-compose-exercise
Start the containers by running:
- Database:
docker run -d --name database --net=docker-compose-exercise -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=movie123 koenkk/docker-compose-exercise-database
- Webapp:
docker run -d --name webapp --net=docker-compose-exercise -p 8080:80 koenkk/docker-compose-exercise-webapp
Open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080. You will now see the movies from the database displayed by the webapp.
Note: The images are being pulled from ( and
To run the containers you had to execute 3 commands. It would be easier if we only had to execute one command. We can achieve this by using Docker Compose.
Create a docker-compose.yml file to run the webapp and the database. Information on how to create such a file can be found here:
Once your created the docker-compose.yml file, run:
docker-compose up