Criminal record generally contains personal information about particular person along with photograph. To identify any Criminal we need some identification regarding person. We are developing this software to make this process easier than the traditional storage systems. In the modern era when everything is computerized, a Criminal Management system is very much in need so as to store data of dangerous criminals.
The main purpose of our project is automating the traditional way of storing criminal records. Here, we could add, update and delete criminal records. We could also add, update and delete FIR details which are being filed down manually traditionally. We store all the data into a database from where we could use it further. Thus this project provides a very user friendly interface for the officials to store and manage the criminal records.
This project intends to provide an effective way for storing, retrieving and managing criminal records. It also aims at providing a user friendly interface for effortless interaction with the user.
This project is confined to storing, retrieving and managing criminal records. In further developments of the project, we could integrate it with AI and make features such as face detections.
For UML Digram Click -> UML Diagram
For ER Diagram Click -> ER Diagram
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Criminal-Management-System/src/CriminalManagementSystem
Run the application
When the application is executed then LogIn Screen pops-up prompting for authentication
There are two options to Log In
Either as an Admin or as an Operator
If we choose Administrator Radio-Button and give:
This will lead to Administrator Page
And the Page would look like this
An admin has full authority to make changes in FIR and Criminal Record as well as Operator Record
- An Admin can Add, View, Delete and Update Operator record as well as FIR & Criminal Record.
- There is only one admin and multiple operators can exist.
To add new Operator, Click Add Operator
To update existing Operator, Click Update Operator
To view existing Operator, Click View Operator
To delete existing Operator, Click Delete Operator
To Enter/Register a new FIR, click Register FIR
To view/retreive a FIR, click Retrieve FIR
To update existing FIR, click Update FIR
To delete exisiting FIR, click Delete FIR
To View/Retrieve Criminal Data, click Retrieve Criminal
To Update existing Criminal Data, click Update Criminal
To Delete existing Criminal Data, click Delete Criminal