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Model a 6DOF industrial manipulator

francescodelduchetto edited this page Feb 6, 2024 · 7 revisions

Task 3:

For this task, you will have to write the URDF that model the FANUC CR-7iA manipulator. The position of joint frames (distances are in cm), axes of rotation and their direction are shown in the following picture:

fanuc_frames drawio

To help with the directions of rotation, use the Roll-Pitch-Yaw angles as reference: rpy

  • If you open the file src/week2/description/urdf/6dof.urdf.xacro you will have a skeleton urdf for this robot that needs to be completed by inputting the correct joints as above. You can assume that the base_link frame is on the world frame.

  • Note: you can launch the visualisation node via: ros2 launch week2 description_file:=6dof.urdf.xacro

  • Note: Each Link has a 3D mesh object specifying its geometry. In this case, we are lucky because this is provided by the manufacturer and we can render a realistic robot.

  • Note: Each joint is revolute and for each we need to specify the joint limits and velocity. Values are already provided in the file based on the manufacturer specifications:

    Screenshot from 2024-02-06 10-46-50





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