This repo is a fork from a Data Science training project @ DataScientest / La Sorbonne university.
- Leonardo Heyerdahl (lead)
- Alexis Garatti
- Huazhen Hou
- Alexandre PRZYBYLSKI
- Collect banking reviews
- Predict stars using review texts and meta data
- Characterize user opinions regarding banking services
- We collected 170k banking reviews in French from Truspilot
- We evaluated the performance of classic ML models (KNN, lr, Random Forests, XGBoost) and one Transformer based model (CAMEMBERT), which outperformed (f1 = .64)
- We created a 3 axis dichotomic taxonomy to characterize user opinions about banks:
- Communication Good/Bad
- Value Good / Bad
- Efficacy Good / Bad
- We hand labelled 200 reviews using these 6 labels
- We evaluated different strategies for automatic labelling using
- Different granularities (sentence based review, whole review, sentence based label references,..)
- CamemBERT infered sentiment filtering
- All words vs tailored stop words filtering
- Our semantic labeler performed between .54 and .80 on test results.
- We labelled the whole data set and produced global notations on the 3 axis for all banking actors in France