Simple Wrapper for NamedPipe in C++. The goal is to provide a simple way for programs to use local communications.
#include <owlpipe.h>
#define PIPE_NAME "\\\\.\\pipe\\owltestpipe"
#define PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
using namespace owlpipe;
void thread_for_client(OwlPipeServer server) {
printf("New message: %s", server.ReadToString(PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE));
int main() {
const OwlClientsListener listener(OwlPipeClientsListenerOptions {PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE, PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE}); // Create server builder
const auto server = listener.CreateServer(PIPE_NAME); // Create server instance
while (server.GetHandle() != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // While server is valid
if (server.ConnectClient() || GetLastError() == ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED) { // If new connection
std::thread(thread_for_client, server).detach(); // Create new thread for client
server = listener.CreateServer(PIPE_NAME); // Reset server instance for new client connection
#include <owlpipe.h>
#define PIPE_NAME "\\\\.\\pipe\\owltestpipe"
#define PIPE_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
using namespace owlpipe;
constexpr auto message = "Hello, Server)";
int main() {
auto client = OwlPipeClient::Connect(PIPE_NAME); // Connect to server
client.Write(message, strlen(message)); // Write message to server
client.Close(); // Close client handle