Personal website/portfolio/blog made with Gatsby and hosted with Netlify. Check out the blog post I wrote about it here.
- Install Gatsby CLI
npm install -g gatsby-cli
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Start the development server and have fun
gatsby develop
- Generate a production build
gatsby build
- Preview the site as if deployed
gatsby serve
- Home Name, short objective, social media and resume links queried from content.json.
- Projects Pinned GitHub repositories queried from GitHub API V4.
- Blog, which links to the blog page Blog posts written in Markdown queried using MarkdownRemark. Frontmatter in each post stores post information. Syntax highlighting enabled for code blocks.
- Footer Short blurb, this repository, and social media links similarly queried from content.json.
Read more about the features, plugins, and configurations done here.
Based off Discord dark mode.
Colour | Hex |
white | #FFFFFF |
grayer | #99AAB5 |
dark | #2C2F33 |
darker | #23272A |
Syntax highlighting from Sarah Drasner's Night Owl VSCode Theme, referencing Erik Aybar's article. Read more here.
This is my baby please link it back to me thank