This project is not yet complete.
Smart Curtain is an automation of curtains to open curtains to a certain position either immediately, at a specified time, at a predicted time, or at sunrise/sunset. It can run as a Hub-Node (master-slave) system through a MQTT Broker. Other devices can control the Curtain through MQTT. The Hub runs using a Python (Flask) web server for the backend, a React frontend, a Postgres database for storing curtains, their states and user variables, and a python instance for automatic event creation & management. The Node runs Arduino compiled and bootloaded code.
- Curtain that
- Knows whether it is closed or open
- Receives move and status requests through MQTT on a
- Home level
- Room level
- Individual level
- Hub React App for human interfacing
- Hub Python Flask backend for scheduling additional features
- Immediate movement to a specified position (0–100%)
- Move to a position (0–100%) at a specified time
- Sunrise opening and sunset closing
- Event predition
- Hub Postgres database for storing home, rooms, curtains, events, and options
TODO: Add use case diagram
- Raspberry Pi or linux computer with W/LAN capabilities
- Curtain Electronics
- ESP32 dev board
- Stepper Motor and Controller (Nema 17 & TB 6600)
- 1 End Stop Sensor
- 1 12V to 5V Buck Inverter
- 1 12V Barrel Power Supply
- 1 Female Barrel Socket
- Curtain Other Hardware
- 20x20 extruded aluminum rod with 4 channels
- 3D printed parts to make this sucker work
- 2 GT2 Timing Belt
- 2 GT2 Pulley
- GT2 Belt Free Wheel
The 3-D Models for the SmartCurtain~/Documentation
Descriptions, examples, & diagrams of this project~/Hub/
The scripts for the Raspberry Pi/Hub system to server requests from user & nodes~/Node/
The arduino program to query the Hub for action information.~/Testing
Virtual devices & other scripts used for testing code/systems.gitignore
Installation occurs over 3 parts. Please use their respective installation documents
Changed: do not trust instructions
- Make sure hardware works individually (See diagrams below for specifics).
- Connect all devices to network and assemble curtain.
- postgresdb
- python3.10:
- requests
- Flask
- Flask-Cors
- psycopg2
- paho-mqtt
- SQLAlchemy
- astral==1.10.1
- Options precedence is selected High -> Low from Curtain -> Home (because I am specifying that a specific item has precendence over a more general category).
- Events precedence is selected High -> Low from Home -> Curtain, as an event for an area includes more specific items in that area
- 1. Google Calendar Event Setter
- 2. Thermostat & light level integration (if it's cold & dark outside then close curtains for better insolation (and vice versa))
- 3. Who Is Home (ping Android phones to see if person is on local network) closing/opening
- 4. Mobile App
- 5. WearOS App
created by: MPZinke on 08.20.2018
edited by: MPZinke on 2020.12.28 to actually make it a README instead of a text file.
Remember that you're making this at your own accord and I take no responsibility for any mistakes or problems that may arise.
edited by: MPZinke on 2023.05.03 to use MQTT.
- Nema 17 has a step size of 1.8°/step or 200 steps/revolution Source
- TB6600 16x Micro stepping equates to ~80 steps/mm (I measured it to be ~80.5 steps/mm)
- Example for AMT10
- Example for Dual Core Arduino