cp profiles.example.yaml profiles.yaml
vim profiles.yaml # or your editor of choice
OCI images are frequently published here: https://github.com/marmotitude/s3-tester/pkgs/container/s3-tester/versions
# podman pull if you use podman
docker pull ghcr.io/marmotitude/s3-tester:tests #get latest "tests" image
The image will use a PROFILES
env var to set the profiles inside the container
# podman run if you use podman
docker run -t -e PROFILES="$(cat profiles.yaml)" ghcr.io/marmotitude/s3-tester:tests test.sh --profiles default --clients aws,mgc --tests 1,2,53,64
(bun test)
# podman run if you use podman
docker run -t -e PROFILES="$(cat profiles.yaml)" ghcr.io/marmotitude/s3-tester:tests js-test.sh --profiles br-ne1
The image will use a PROFILES
env var to set the profiles inside the container
# podman run if you use podman
docker run -t -e PROFILES="$(cat profiles.yaml)" -v ./report:/app/report ghcr.io/marmotitude/s3-tester:tests benchmark-test.sh --profiles profile1 --clients aws --sizes 1,2,3 --quantity 1,2,3 --workers 64 --times 10
The html output saved to you local path /report