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Compatibility tests for AWS S3 object-storage providers. A reboot of


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Shellspec (cli tools)

# use profiles: do-nyc and aws-east
# to run tests: 011 (List Buckets), 053 (Upload Files) and 061 (List Objects)
# with only the aws-cli client and passing --fail-fast to shellspec

./bin/ --profiles do-nyc,aws-east --clients aws --tests 11,53,61 -- --fail-fast

The tests assumes that you have configured all cli tools (aws-cli, rclone and mgc) with the same profile names. And tests like the ACL ones that needs 2 profiles uses a convention of the second one being named <name-of-one-profile>-second.

Run sets of tests (modules/categories)

Tests are classified in groups by functionality, you can test selected groups by using the --categories option of the script:

./bin/ --profiles br-ne1 --clients aws --categories BucketSharing,ColdStorage

Bun Test (aws-sdk-js)

# use profiles: br-ne1 and br-se1
# to run all tests from spec/js/*.test.ts
# passing additional bun test arguments after -- (double dash)

./bin/ --profiles br-ne1,br-se1 -- --bail

Pytest tests (boto3, pyspark)

# use profiles: br-ne1 and br-se1
# to run all tests from spec/boto3/test_*.py
# passing pytest arguments after -- (double dash)

./bin/ --profiles br-ne1,br-se1 -- ./spec/boto3/test_*.py

Profiles (optional)

To make the process of setting multiple profiles on multiple tools less manual, there is a shell script that replaces existing config files with new ones created using data from a single profiles.yaml generic config, use profiles.example.yaml as an example:





Below is a list of proposed tests to run against S3-compatible object storage providers in order to check compatibility between those providers and existing S3 clients.

As of March 2024, most of them are unimplemented, so consider this table a TODO list, it's here to make it easy to reference specific human-readable descriptions to a test number.

Test ID Category Test Description Implementation
001 Bucket Management Create Bucket aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone
002 Bucket Management Create Bucket with name with space aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone
003 Bucket Management Create Bucket with name with just letters REVIEW
004 Bucket Management Create Bucket with name with just letters in Uppercase aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone
005 Bucket Management Create Bucket with name with just letters in Lowercase aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone
006 Bucket Management Create Bucket with name with just numbers aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone
007 Bucket Management Create Bucket with name with just special characters aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone
008 Bucket Management Create Bucket with combination of letters and numbers aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone
009 Bucket Management Try to create Bucket with low than 3 characters in the name aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone
010 Bucket Management Try to create bucket with high than 64 characters in the name aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone
011 Bucket Management List Buckets
012 Bucket Management Verify the number of objects
013 Bucket Management Verify the informations in the list
014 Bucket Management Verify the size of buckets
015 Bucket Management Delete Buckets empty
016 Bucket Management Delete Buckets with Objects
017 Bucket Management Delete buckets in batch
018 Bucket Permission Create public bucket
019 Bucket Permission Access the public bucket and check the list of objects
020 Bucket Permission Access the public bucket and check the access of objects
021 Bucket Permission Create private bucket
022 Bucket Permission Access the private bucket and check the list of objects
023 Bucket Permission Create a ACL read for a bucket
024 Bucket Permission Access the Private with ACL bucket with and check the list of objects
025 Bucket Permission Access the Private with ACL bucket and check the access of objects
026 Bucket Permission Create a ACL read/write for a bucket
027 Bucket Permission Create ACL in a batch for more than 2 ppl with option of R and R/W differents
028 Bucket Permission Access the Private with ACL bucket with and check the list of objects
029 Bucket Permission Access the Private with ACL bucket and check the access of objects
030 Bucket Permission Delete public bucket
031 Bucket Permission Delete private bucket
032 Bucket Permission Delete private with ACL bucket
033 Bucket Sharing Copy URL for public buckets
034 Bucket Sharing Validate the URL for public buckets
035 Bucket Sharing Set a presigned URL for a private bucket
036 Bucket Sharing Validate the URL of presigned
037 Bucket Sharing Set a presigned URL for a private with ACL bucket
038 Bucket Sharing Validate the URL of presigned for the ACL bucket
039 Object Versioning Set the versioning for a public bucket
040 Object Versioning Set the versioning for a private bucket
041 Object Versioning Set the versioning for a bucket with ACL
042 Object Versioning Upload object to versioning in the public bucket
043 Object Versioning Upload object to versioning in the private bucket
044 Object Versioning Upload object to versioning in the private ACL bucket
045 Object Versioning Download object to versioning in the public bucket
046 Object Versioning Donwload object to versioning in the private bucket
047 Object Versioning Download object to versioning in the private ACL bucket
048 Object Versioning Delete Bucket versioned
049 Object Versioning Delete object with versions
050 Object Versioning Delete bucket with objects with versions
051 Object Versioning Delete versions
052 Object Versioning Delete versions in batch
053 Object Management Upload Files aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
054 Big Objects Upload Files of 1GB aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
055 Big Objects Upload Files of 5GB aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
056 Big Objects Upload Files of 10GB aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
057 Object Management Download Files aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
058 Big Objects Download Files of 1GB aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
059 Big Objects Download Files of 5GB aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
060 Big Objects Download Files of 10GB aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
061 Object Management List Objects aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
062 Object Management Delete Objects aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
063 Object Management Delete objects in batch aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
064 Object Management Delete object veresioned aws-s3api, aws-s3, rclone, mgc
065 Object Management Pause upload of multiparts
066 Object Management Pause download of multiparts
067 Object Management Abort upload of multiparts
068 Object Management Abort download of multiparts
069 Object Management Resume upload of multiparts
070 Object Management Resume download of multiparts
071 Object Management Delete parts of incomplete objects
072 Authorization Create an API Key REVIEW
073 Authorization Create an API Key in a delegated account REVIEW
074 Authorization Validate authorization using API Key REVIEW
075 Authorization Validate authorization by delegation REVIEW
076 Authorization Revogate an API Key REVIEW
077 Authorization Validate authorization using API Key REVIEW
078 Authorization Create a new account and create a new api key REVIEW
079 Authorization Validate authorization using API Key of new accounts REVIEW
080 Security and compliance Validate criptography REVIEW
081 Security and compliance Validate Takedown process REVIEW
082 Metering Validate metering of storage in GB/h REVIEW
083 Metering Validate metering of egress transfer in GB REVIEW
084 Cold Storage Upload object using storage class
085 Cold Storage List object includes storage class
086 Cold Storage Multipart upload with storage class
087 Cold Storage Change the storage class of an object (copy to same bucket with same key, but different storage class)
088 Cold Storage Upload object with storage class and metadata
089 Cold Storage Upload object with storage class and ACL
090 Bucket Management Unique bucket
091 Bucket Policy A lot of scenarios with bucket policy
092 Bucket Tagging A lot of scenarios with bucket tagging
093 Big Buckets Delete large bucket
095 Account Limit of buckets
096 Account Tests with read only
097 Account Takedown user
094 Objects Management Benchmark validate exists
098 Bucket Management Invalid name validation
099 Object Management Invalid Object keys
100 Benchmark Benchmark test CRUD
102 Object Locking Bucket Lock
201 Service Accounts All SA tests
202 Service Accounts Account with Limited Privileges
203 Service Accounts Bucket policies



Compatibility tests for AWS S3 object-storage providers. A reboot of







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