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Extensible sifting tool for information from GitHub repositories


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Repocribro is web application allowing users to register their GitHub repository so they can be managed, searched, browsed, tested, etc. (depends on used extensions) with the site. Main idea is to provide simple but powerful modular tool for building groups of GitHub repositories which are developed by different users and organizations.

Cribro means sieve in Italian language (origins in Latin word cribrum). This project provides tool for intelligent sifting repositories, information about them and its contents.

Typical use cases of Repocribro:

  • Community - repositories hub of examples / projects related to the community (methodology, standards, ...)
  • Courses - gathering and evaluating homeworks

Installation and usage

Installation is done via standard way by file, alternatively you can install by pip but there are just major releases and bugfixed versions. You need to have Python 3.5+ (tested with 3.5 and 3.6), all dependencies will be installed automatically.

$ python install
$ repocribro --version
$ repocribro --help

You can also setup virtual Python environment before installation:

$ python -venv env
$ . env/bin/activate
(env) $ python3 install

For running the application you will need to set up the configuration with GitHub client ID and secret, security keys, database and so on.

For details please visit

Bugs, ideas, extensions and experience

If you find any bug, get any idea or have any experience with Repocribro - let us know via issues@GitHub. Repocribro is extensible, if you are developing any extension or have an idea for some new extension, let us know via issues@GitHub too. Please use a corresponding label.

For details please visit and wiki@GitHub.

Docker Compose

To make use of docker-compose.yml, you need to adjust configuration based on docker-config.example.cfg and also create the database:

$ docker exec -it repocribro_db_1 mysql -u root -p
Enter password: <password>
mysql> CREATE DATABASE repocribro;
mysql> exit

$ docker exec -it repocribro_repocribro_1 repocribro db_create


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for more details.