Import the core data using one of the sets in csv-import. There is a complete single file or folders with sets of multiple files. Those files are clearly labelled and must be executed in the given order. This step will be necessary only during the very first installation. Once succeeded, you can skip this for any subsequent updates and fixes.
(Re-)Create the stored function by executing strip_punctuation.sql. You should need to do this only once. However, it is safe to execute this file repeatedly.
Execute the SQL operations that build up the actual working tables from the core data set. Since the core data set is not changes by this operation, you can repeat this over and over, only rebuilding the working tables. This step should be repeated after any update or fix.
Edit config.inc.php to configure the connection to your database. The original values only apply to the docker container spun up during development and thus have no other meaning than serving as an example.
- export as CSV with all text cells quoted
- in DataGrip create new MariaDB connection to docker container
- import CSV
- with first line as header
- trim whitespace
- remove single-quoted values
- add column ID with int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment
- change all other columns to TEXT
- create table for word-index
create table mks_word_index( word text not null, song int unsigned not null, unique (word, song), constraint mks_word_index_ibfk_1 foreign key (song) references mks_song (id) on update cascade on delete cascade );
- no value in AG12498 => 12497:Index is null
- no value in A2938:AF2938 and A2976:AF2976 => 2937 and 2975: everything but Index is null
- strange value in Q3613 => 3613:[Interpret 4] is 08.12.2020
docker run \
-p \
--name mariadb-schlager \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=schlager \
-e MYSQL_USER=schlager \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=zorofzoftumev \
-d \
mariadb \
--character-set-server=utf8mb4 \
Generated root password is 6f5df6289dee033bf2b8205e5ce4eb5d7cb3b5d0d5da67ac96c8b0a7a09c2e61
- TODO add description for song query
- search: /search?q=<query>&engine=<engine (optional)>
engine: v2 -> current default, uses index; v1 -> old version of search, uses SQL query with IN(...), can still be used if wildcards are needed