Welcome to my personal portfolio!
I'm Wonder Diaz, a passionate software developer with experience in creating web and cross-platform applications.
About this project: This repository contains the source code for my personal website, built with Vue, Nuxt, and Tailwind CSS. Here you can find more details about my projects and skills.
Technologies used:
- Frontend: Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Tailwind CSS
- Node.js: Version 18 or higher. Download the latest stable version from https://nodejs.org/
- npm (or yarn): Comes bundled with Node.js installation
How to run the project:
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone [https://github.com/MetalSyntax/Portfolio-MetalSyntax.git](https://github.com/MetalSyntax/Portfolio-MetalSyntax.git)
- Navigate to the project directory:
$ cd Portfolio-MetalSyntax
- Install dependencies:
$ npm run install
- Start the development server:
$ npm run dev
You can now access your website at http://localhost:3000
- build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
- generate static project
$ npm run generate
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.