Pico W projects that intefaces with BabyBuddy to record baby diaper changes, feedings, and sleep time with the push of a button. Push to start timers, and then push again to end them!
- Code for Pico W
- STL and 3MF files for a custom enclosure
- Follow these instructions to get micropython configured first.
- Download and unzip BabyScout Firmware file under github releases latest.
- Fill out the secrets.json.template file.
- Make sure to rename the placeholder folder to secrets.json
- Upload the files and folders contained in the release.zip to you pico (I recommend using Thonny or pico-w-go extension on VS Code)
- Download and print stl files located at 3d/v1.
- Attach switches to the enclosure and wire them to the pico.
- In my example I wired all of the switches to the 3.3v output of the pico, then an individual gpio pin per switch. I used 8 in my example, but feel free to add more switches and more functionality.
- Close up th enclosure and attach to power.
if the secrets.json is not available, or not complete BabyScout will boot in AP mode.
SSID: BabyScout
Password: BabyBuddy
Upon connecting to the AP, if you browse to and fill out the necessary information it will automatically reboot and attempt to connect.
- Currently The pico w is incapable of communicating via cloudfront tunnels. (Appears to be some bug with running out of memory)
- Create script to automatically upload firmware to the pico w
- Automatic Updates?
- Add way to obfuscate stored secrets