Graphical User Interface for azapy library - Financial Portfolio Optimization Algorithms
Author: Mircea Marinescu
email: [email protected]
Package installation: pip install azapyGUI
To start the application create the following 2 line script - let's call it
import azapyGUI
and then run in a powershell: python
- mCVaR - mixture CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk)
- mSMCR - mixture SMCR (Second Moment Coherent Risk)
- mMAD - m-level MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation)
- mLSD - m-level LSD (Lower Semi-Deviation)
- mBTAD - mixture BTAD (Below Threshold Absolute Deviation)
- mBTSD - mixture BTSD (Below Threshold Semi-Deviation)
- GINI - Gini index (as in Corrado Gini statistician 1884-1965)
- SD - standard deviation
- MV - variance (as in mean-variance model)
- mEVaR - mixture EVaR (Entropic Value at Risk) (beta version)
- Optimal-risk portfolio for targeted expected rate of return value
- Sharpe-optimal portfolio - maximization of generalized Sharpe ratio
- Sharpe-optimal portfolio - minimization of inverse generalized Sharpe ratio
- Minimum risk portfolio
- Optimal-risk portfolio for a fixed risk-aversion factor
- Optimal-risk portfolio with the same risk value as a benchmark portfolio (e.g., same as equal weighted portfolio)
- Optimal-diversified portfolio for targeted expected rate of return (minimization of inverse 1-D ratio) (beta version)
- Optimal-diversified portfolio for targeted expected rate of return (maximization of 1-D ratio) (beta version)
- Maximum diversified portfolio (beta version)
- Optimal-diversified portfolio with the same diversification factor as a benchmark portfolio (e.g., same as equal weighted portfolio) (beta version)
- Optimal-diversified portfolio with the same expected rate of return as a benchmark portfolio (e.g., same as equal weighted portfolio) (beta version)
- Constant weighted portfolio. A particular case is equal weighted portfolio.
- Inverse volatility portfolio (i.e., portfolio weights are proportional to the inverse of asset volatilities)
- Inverse variance portfolio (i.e., portfolio weights are proportional to the inverse of asset variances)
- Inverse drawdown portfolio (i.e., portfolio weights are proportional to the asset absolute value of maximum drawdowns over a predefined historical period)
- Kelly's portfolio (as in John Larry Kelly Jr. scientist 1923-1965) - maximization of portfolio log returns
- Universal portfolio (Thomas M. Cover 1996) (beta version)
- Dual Momentum Selector (beta version)
- Correlation Clustering Selector (beta version)
- Supported providers:
- python 3.11.8
- azapy 1.2.5
- pandas 2.2.0
- numpy 1.26.0
- matplotlib 3.8.0
- xlsxwriter 3.1.1 (for non-Linux installations)