User can draw and brrrr
cd .\Backend\learner\datasets\
kaggle datasets download xainano/handwrittenmathsymbols
tar -xvzf .\
tar -xvzf .\data.rar
cd ./Backend/learner/datasets
kaggle datasets download xainano/handwrittenmathsymbols
unzip ./
rar x data.rar
- Very important make sure the extracted_images has 82 categories, and that will only happen after you extract data.rar .
- After installing all the requiremnets by
pip install -r requirements.txt
make sure you are in the Backend directory.
- And run:
User can build their own electron application to run frontend and backend together
npm install
Before running the electron app, you need to build the frontend react app. To do that, follow these:
cd Frontend
npm run build
Now electron is ready to run:
cd .. # don't do that if you are not in frontend's parent directory
npm start
# or
npx electron .
As of now, build binary is facing some issue in starting, but might work on diff platforms
# for linux
npx electron-builder --linux deb tar.xz
# build for Windows ia32
npx electron-builder --win --ia32
# build for macOS, Windows and Linux
npx electron-builder -mwl