A modern, responsive frontend built with React, Vite, and Tailwind CSS, designed specifically for Pathology patient management, test reporting, and lab workflows. Seamlessly integrates with backend APIs to deliver an efficient, user-friendly experience.
- 👨⚕️ Patient Management Interface
- 🧾 Lab Test Entry & Report Viewing
- 🖨️ PDF & Excel Report Generation using jsPDF and xlsx
- 🏷️ Barcode Generation with jsbarcode
- 🌐 API Integration with secure Axios calls
- 💨 Fast performance using Vite
- 🎨 Styled using Tailwind CSS
- 🔗 React Router DOM for smooth navigation
Technology | Purpose |
React | Frontend UI Framework |
Vite | Fast build tool & dev server |
Tailwind CSS | Utility-first styling |
Axios | API integration |
jsPDF / AutoTable | PDF report generation |
xlsx | Excel export |
jsbarcode | Barcode creation |
React Router DOM | Routing & navigation |
dotenv | Environment configuration |
ESLint | Code linting |
├── public/ // Static files
├── src/ // Main source code
│ ├── components/ // Reusable UI components
│ ├── pages/ // Page-level components
│ ├── services/ // API services (Axios)
│ └── App.jsx // Main App component
├── tailwind.config.js // Tailwind CSS configuration
├── vite.config.js // Vite configuration
└── README.md
# Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/MurugananthamB/Path-Frontend.git
cd Path-Frontend
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Set up environment variables
cp .env.example .env
# Start development server
npm run dev
Deploy easily on platforms like Netlify, Vercel, or your custom server:
npm run build
npm run preview
- react
- react-dom
- react-icons
- react-router-dom
- axios
- jsbarcode
- jspdf & jspdf-autotable
- xlsx
- dotenv
- tailwindcss
- express (for any express-based support if used)
This project is licensed under the ISC License.
Feel free to fork, contribute, or raise issues to improve and expand the project.