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Technical Architecture Diagram on XRPL

Muwpayteam edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 1 revision

    participant User as User
    participant MUWP as MUWP Platform
    participant SC as Smart Contracts on Various Blockchains
    participant DEX as Decentralized Exchange
    participant Bridge as Cross-Chain Bridge
    participant AS as Atomic Swaps
    participant XRPL_SC as XRPL Smart Contracts
    participant XRPL as XRP Ledger

    User->>+MUWP: Initiate Swap
    MUWP->>+SC: Fetch Token Prices
    SC-->>-MUWP: Return Prices
    MUWP->>+DEX: Query Best Swap Routes
    MUWP->>+Bridge: Query Cross-Chain Routes
    DEX-->>MUWP: Provide Options
    Bridge-->>MUWP: Provide Cross-Chain Options
    MUWP->>+AS: Check for Direct Swap Availability
    AS-->>-MUWP: Return Direct Swap Options
    MUWP->>XRPL_SC: Determine Optimal Path
    alt Optimal Route via DEX
        MUWP->>DEX: Execute Swap
        DEX->>XRPL: Convert to XRP
    else Optimal Route via Bridge
        MUWP->>Bridge: Execute Cross-Chain Swap
        Bridge->>XRPL: Convert to XRP
    else Direct Swap via Atomic Swaps
        MUWP->>AS: Execute Atomic Swap
        AS->>XRPL: Convert to XRP
    XRPL-->>User: Transfer XRP to Wallet

Multi-Blockchain Swap Process with MUWP on the XRPL

This sequence diagram illustrates how a user performs a token swap using the Multi-Blockchain User Wallet Platform (MUWP), integrated with the XRP Ledger (XRPL). MUWP facilitates swaps across various blockchains by identifying the most optimal route for the user's exchange needs.

Process Breakdown:

User Initiates Swap

  • Action: The user engages with the MUWP platform, specifying the source and destination tokens and the swap amount.

MUWP Fetches Token Prices

  • Action: MUWP interacts with smart contracts on various blockchains to access current token prices or exchange rates.

Smart Contracts Return Prices

  • Response: Smart contracts from different blockchains send back the requested token prices to MUWP.

MUWP Queries Swap Routes

  • DEXs (Decentralized Exchanges): MUWP queries DEXs to discover the best trading routes within the chosen blockchain.
  • Cross-Chain Bridges: MUWP explores potential cross-chain swaps by querying bridges that facilitate token transfers across different blockchains.

DEX and Bridge Respond

  • DEXs: Provide details on available swap options and their rates.
  • Bridges: Offer information on cross-chain swap possibilities, which may involve wrapping and unwrapping tokens on different blockchains.

MUWP Checks for Direct Swap

  • Action: MUWP checks for the availability of direct swaps using Atomic Swaps (AS), enabling trustless peer-to-peer token exchanges without centralized intermediaries.

AS Responds with Options

  • Response: If direct atomic swaps are feasible, the AS module within MUWP provides details on these options.

MUWP Determines Optimal Path

  • Analysis: MUWP analyzes data from various sources:
    • Token prices from smart contracts.
    • Swap options and rates from DEXs.
    • Cross-chain swap options and fees from bridges.
    • Direct swap details from atomic swaps (if available).
  • Outcome: Based on this data, MUWP determines the most efficient and cost-effective route for the swap.

Execute Swap Based on Optimal Route

  • DEX: Executes the swap directly through the selected DEX, possibly involving multiple token conversions.
  • Bridge: Carries out the cross-chain swap via the selected bridge, including token wrapping and transferring.
  • Atomic Swaps: If a direct swap is selected, MUWP facilitates the atomic swap process.

Convert to XRP (XRP Ledger)

  • Action: After executing the swap, MUWP converts the tokens to XRP, the native token of the XRPL.

Transfer XRP to User's Wallet

  • Final Step: The XRP Ledger processes the transaction and transfers the swapped XRP tokens to the user's wallet, completing the swap process.