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  • Collaborators: Marieke Vromman, Arne Blom, Annelien Morlion. Questions concerning the GitHub structure/scripts can be addressed to any of the collaborators.
  • Primer design pipeline for fusionRNAs based on primerXL (Lefever, S., Pattyn, F., De Wilde, B. et al. High-throughput PCR assay design for targeted resequencing using primerXL. BMC Bioinformatics 18, 400 (2017), and CIRCprimerXL (M. Vromman, J. Anckaert, J. Vandesompele, P.J. Volders, CIRCprimerXL: convenient and high-throughput PCR primer design for circular RNA quantification. Frontiers in Bioinformatics (2022),
  • This pipeline runs entirly in the oncornalab/fusionprimerxl docker image, which is available on DockerHub. It is not necessary to download this image locally, as Nextflow pulls the latest version automatically from DockerHub (depending on the profile).

Table of contents

1. Installation

Cloning the repository:

git clone


The pipeline can be run entirely on the oncornalab/fusionprimerxl docker image, which will automatically be pulled by Nextflow if specified in the profile. Two refences are required to run the pipeline, these are not included in the git repository because of their size. Instructions on how to build them can be found in getting started. The pipeline can also be tested with the included Example (example directory) without having to build any references, afterwards references can be build to make use of the pipeline.

A) Local software:

Programs that need to be installed locally:

B) References:

The following references (2 indexes and 3 files) are required to run the pipeline:

  • a fasthack reference genome to extract the fusionRNA sequence surrounding the breakpoint ( (needs to be build see below)
  • a Bowtie cDNA + ncRNA reference to test the specificity of the primers ( (needs to be build see below)
  • a bed file containing all exons. (included for for GRCh38)
  • a file containing the chromosome sizes (included in assets)
  • a file containing the canonical transcripts (included in assets/GRCh38)

Both indexes below are examples and can be replaced by your choosen index (--index_fasta, --index_bowtie) and species (see below).

Getting started:

You do not need to install fastahack and Bowtie locally to create the required indexes. Instead you can use the Docker container. For this, Docker needs to be installed on your computer.

Building fastahack index

Make sure to to download the fastafile in a folder called index_fastahack for the corresponding genome (example : /assets/GRCh38/index_fastahack/). The steps for GRCh38 are described below, for other species see other species, replace the corresponding links and file locations.

  • Step 1: download the complete primary assembly in the corresponding assets folder.
  • Step 2: Unzip the file
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
  • Step 3: Create the index with fastahack (make sure to run this command from the base folder FUSIONprimerXL)

With the docker image:

docker run -v "$PWD":/assets oncornalab/fusionprimerxl:v0.2 fastahack -i assets/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa

Or locally:

fastahack -i assets/GRCh38/index_fastahack/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa
  • Step4: Move the files to the correct assets folder.
mv ./Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa ./assets/GRCh38/index_fastahack/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa ;
mv ./Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.fai ./assets/GRCh38/index_fastahack/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.fai

Building the Bowtie index

In general, a combination of the cDNA and ncRNA index are used to test the specificity of the primers. The steps for GRCh38 are described below, for other species see other species, replace the corresponding links and file locations (example: /assets/GRCh38/index_bowtie/).

  • Step 1: download the cDNA and ncRNA fasta files in the corresponding assets folder.
wget ; wget
  • Step 2: unzip the downloaded fasta file.
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa.gz ; gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.ncrna.fa.gz
  • Step 3: write the fasta files to a single file.
cat Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.ncrna.fa > hg38_cdna.fa ; rm Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa ; rm Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.ncrna.fa
  • Step 4: build the index

With docker (make sure to run the command from the base folder FUSIONprimerXL)

docker run -v "$PWD":/assets oncornalab/fusionprimerxl:v0.2 bowtie-build /assets/hg38_cdna.fa /assets/hg38_cdna

Or locally

bowtie-build ./assets/GRCh38/index_bowtie/hg38_cdna.fa ./assets/GRCh38/index_bowtie/hg38_cdna
  • Step 5: move the files to the correct location:
mv ./hg38_cdna* ./assets/GRCh38/index_bowtie/

Bed file with canonical exons (included for GRCh38)

This file is included for GRCh38; however, the process is the same for other species, the steps are described below.

Step 1: download the gtf file from ensemble ( in the corresponding assets folder (example: assets/GRch38/)

wget; gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.111.gtf.gz

Step 2: transform the gtf file to a bed file (execute from base folder FUSIONprimerXL) The gtf file should contain following information in this order:

gene_id gene_version transcript_id transcript_version exon_number etc.

It is important that transcript_id is on the third position, followed by transcript_version and exon_number. Whent this is not the case like for C. elegans, then the gtf cannot be converted to Known_exons.bed in the same way. NOTE: if you are doing this for C. elegans use ./bin/ instead

gene_id transcript_id exon_number gene_name etc.
python3 ./bin/ -i ./Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.111.gtf -o ./assets/GRCh38/Known_exons_GRCh38.111.bed ; rm ./Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.111.gtf

Step 3: validate the bed file. This will probably show the warning faulty chromosome name; check the file at the specified lines if the chromosome name is indeed incorrect, correct it. If chromosome names like chrMT or chrKI270728.1 are present these lines can be removed or ignored.

python3 ./bin/ -i ./assets/GRCh38/Known_exons_GRCh38.111.bed -c ./assets/GRCh38/chrom_sizes_GRCh38.txt 

A file containing the canonical transcripts (included in assets/GRCh38)

This file is already included and does not need to be created, the steps below are described for your information (FYI). (

# step 1 get the MANE file (in the correct assets folder)
wget ; gunzip MANE.GRCh38.v1.3.ensembl_genomic.gtf.gz
# step 2 generate ENST_list
python3 ./bin/ -i ./assets/GRCh38/MANE.GRCh38.v1.3.ensembl_genomic.gtf -o ./assets/GRCh38/ENST_list_GRCh38.txt 

The assets folder should now look like this

  • assets/GRCh38/
    • index_fastahack/
    • index_bowtie/
    • ENST__list_GRCh38.txt
    • Known_exons_GRCh38.111.bed
    • chrom_sizes_GRCh38.txt

2. Running on your computer

Nextflow and Docker should be installed locally. Make sure the docker engine or Docker Desktop is running when you want run the pipeline.


This tool requires a bed file as input, the input can have a User-defined filename. Good practice would be to place your input files in the input directory. The location of the input file can be defined in the nextflow.config file as params.input_bed = "Path" or by using the --input_bed <path> on the command line. The input file with end and start representing the breakpoint:

Note: make sure to use tabs instead of four spaces

Important: make sure to use 0-based counting

chromsome1 end chromsome2 start

chr6	160650497	chr6	160666228
chr21	37840709 	chr21	38121128
chr2	44270113 	chr2	237973225
chr5	70901933	chr5	70938841


In the output folder, you will find:

  • suggested_primer_pairs.txt, a file containing one selected primer pair per fusionRNA (see below for column details)
  • log_file.txt, a file containing some statistics per fusionRNA
  • summary_run.txt, a file containing general statics for the whole run.
  • all_primers directory, contains files with all primers that were created per fusionRNA
  • primer3_details directory, contains files with the primer3 details for each fusionRNA

filtered_primers.txt output file column names:

column name description
fusion_ID fusion id assigned to each fusionRNA (unique within one run)
primer_ID primer ID generated by primer3 (unique per fusion ID)
FWD_primer forward primer
REV_primer reverse primer
FWD_pos relative position of forward primer
FWD_length length of forward primer
REV_pos relative position of reverse primer
REV_length length of reverse primer
FWD_Tm melt temperature of forward primer
REV_Tm melt temperature of reverse primer
FWD_GC GC content of forward primer
REV_GC GC content of reverse primer
amplicon amplicon sequence amplified by the primer pair
PASS result of filtering (PASS if the primer pair passed all filters, FAIL if the primer pair failed one or more filters)
left_annotation exons used for the template sequence on the right side of the BP
right_annotation exons used for the template sequence on the left side of the BP
splicing spliced or unspliced template sequence was used


This repository contains an example run with 3 fusionRNAs. For this, a small subset of the indexes are also present in the example folder. The example can be run by:

nextflow run -profile example

General usage

From this point onward you are using the full tool, which means you will have to build the corresponding indexes as described in getting started. Only the example can be ran without any additional references.

To display information about all available parameters nextflow run --help

A command can be run like the example below or by defining the parameters in nextflow.config. Note: index_bowtie, index_bowtie_name, index_fasta and index_fasta_name have default values for GRCh38 corresponding to the steps above. If you made any changes or are working with another organism make sure the names and locations are correct for these arguments!

nextflow run -profile standard --input_bed $projectDir/input/input_fusionRNAs.bed --index_bowtie $projectDir/assets/index_bowtie/ --index_bowtie_name hg38_cdna --index_fasta $projectDir/assets/GRCh38/index_fastahack --index_fasta_name Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa

All parameters:


        The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows (standard = default parameters):
        nextflow run -profile standard 

        Mandatory nextflow arguments:
        -profile                set to 'local' when running locally, set to 'singularity' when running on the HPC

        Mandatory pipeline arguments:
        --input_bed                     path to input file with fusionRNAs in bed format (0-based annotation)
        --index_bowtie          path to bowtie genome index directory
        --index_bowtie_name     the basename of the Bowtie index to be searched (the name of any of the index files up to but not including the final .1.ebwt / .rev.1.ebwt / ...)
        --index_fasta           path to directory that contains the fastahack genome and index file
        --index_fasta_name      the name of the fastahack genome file

        Optional pipeline arguments:
        --splice                        when set to 'yes' the input sequence will be spliced, when set to 'no' the input sequence will be unspliced
        --primer_settings       path to file with primer3 settings (see primer3 manual)
        --chrom_file            file containing all chromosome sizes (to validate bed file)
        --known_exons           bed file containing exon annotation
        --list_ENST                     file containing ENST numbers of canonical transcripts or transcripts of interest (this file can also be left empty)
        --primer3_diff          the minimum number of base pairs between the 3' ends of any two left primers (see also primer3 PRIMER_MIN_LEFT_THREE_PRIME_DISTANCE)
        --primer3_nr            the number of primers designed by primer3; caution: setting this parameter to a large value will increase running time
        --min_tm                        minimum melt temperature of the primers (default: 58)
        --max_tm                        maximum melt temperature of the primers(default: 60)
        --opt_tm                        optimal melt temperature of the primers(default: 59)
        --diff_tm                       maximum difference in melt temperature between the primers(default: 2)
        --min_gc                        minimum GC contect of the primers (default: 30)
        --max_gc                        maximum GC contect of the primers(default: 80)
        --opt_gc                        optimal GC contect of the primers(default: 50)
        --amp_min                       minimum amplicon length (default: 60)
        --amp_max                       maximum amplicon length (default: 0)
        --temp_l                        the number of nucleotides on each side of the breakpoint that will be used for the template (example 150 => template of 300 nts in total)
        --spec_filter           when set to 'strict', a maximum of 2 MM is allowed; when set to 'loose', a maximum of 5 combined MM is allowed
        --snp_filter            when set to 'strict', no common SNPs are allowed in primer sequence; when set to 'loose', common SNPs are allowed in 5' first half of primer; when set to 'off', no filter is applied
        --snp_url                       when using a differente species than human, the correct SNP database url should be provided; alternatively, this paramater can be set to 'off' if no SNP database is available
        --upfront_filter        when set to 'yes', SNPs and secundary structures are avoided before primer design; when set to 'str', secundary structures are avoided before primer design; when set to 'snp', snp are avoided before primer design; when set to 'no', no filtering before primer design is performed
        --output_dir            path to directory where the output files will be saved

You can easily create your own profiles by modifying the nextflow.config file.

Nextflow keeps track of all the processes executed in your pipeline. If you want to restart the pipeline after a bug, add '-resume'. The execution of the processes that are not changed will be skipped and the cached result used instead.

Note: The pipeline results are cached by default in the directory $PWD/work. This folder can take of lot of disk space. If your are sure you won’t resume your pipeline execution, clean this folder periodically.

Note: If a fusionRNA is smaller than the requested template size, the template size is reduced to the fusionRNA size. Of note, if this 300-nucleotide template sequence includes an exon-intron boundary, the intronic region (which may not be part of the fusionRNA) is included. Some fusionRNAs effectively also include intronic sequences, and some BPs concatenate an exonic and an intronic sequence.

Running with nupack

If you have a copy of nupack (e.g. nupack- you can choose to run the pipeline with nupack instead of ViennaRNA. To do so you will have to build the docker image from the docker file included in /Docker.

  1. Uncomment the following lines in the docker file and make sure the version is correct.
#ADD ./ /bin/
#RUN unzip nupack-
#RUN python3 -m pip install -U nupack -f ./nupack-
  1. Build the image (in Docker folder)
docker build -t fusionprimerxl:both .
  1. copy the include nextflow script (in bin) to the base folder
mv ./bin/ ./
  1. run the pipeline with the preferred program (ViennaRNA or Nupack)
nextflow run -profile both --prediction_program Nupack

3. Step Running on the HPC (UGent)

Nextflow version 20.10.0 is available on all clusters (swalot, skitty, victini, joltik, kirlia, doduo). The pipeline can be run through an interactive session. The pipeline can only run from the $VSC_SCRATCH_VO_USER directory.

qsub -I -l nodes=1:ppn=16 -l walltime=04:00:00
module load Nextflow/20.10.0
nextflow run --help

4. Other species

As default, FUSIONprimerXL designs primers for humans (GRCh38). To design primers for other species, the following files have to be provided and parsed through the corresponding parameters:

Example references

Species Reference Source
Xenopus tropicalis DNA
exon annotation
Mus musculus DNA
exon annotation
Caenorhabditis elegans DNA
exon annotation
Danio rerio DNA
exon annotation
Rattus norvegicus DNA
exon annotation

5. Nextflow tower

Nextflow tower can be used to monitor the pipeline while it's running.

nextflow run -with-tower

When Nextflow tower is used in combination with the HPC, the nextflow version and tower access token should be indicated.

export NXF_VER="20.10.0"
export TOWER_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_token_here




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