SEAL 0.7.0
Logo created by Meine Wilma
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 0.6.1...0.7.0
- Add highlight methods to search and search builder 🎉 @Toflar @alexander-schranz in #349
- Add helper to ease creating an empty result 🎉 @Toflar in #497
- Add support for Laravel 12 🎉 @alexander-schranz in #494
- Update research docs with removed search SaaS @alexander-schranz in #480
- Add missing documentation about bulk operations @alexander-schranz in #484
- Fix mezzio linting task and php requirement and fix Yii example run @alexander-schranz in #485
- Add missing Loupe example to Integration READMEs @alexander-schranz in #486
- Change documentation version to 0.7 @alexander-schranz in #493
- Fix old namespace usages in documentation @alexander-schranz in #495
With this new release you can use the highlight
method to get additional _formatted
data with the matched string:
$result = $this->engine->createSearchBuilder('blog')
->addFilter(new Condition\SearchCondition('Search Term'))
fields: ['title', 'description'],
preTag: '<mark>',
postTag: '</mark>',
This is supported by all Adapter with the exception of Redisearch see: #491