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Releases: PHPCSStandards/PHP_CodeSniffer

3.12.0 - 2025-03-18

18 Mar 05:58
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  • Added support for PHP 8.4 final properties to File::getMemberProperties() through a new is_final array index in the return value. #834
  • Generators/HTML: each section title now has a unique anchor link, which can be copied when hovering over a title. #859
    • This should make sharing a link to a specific section of the documentation more straight-forward.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.
  • Documentation for the following sniffs:
    • Squiz.Classes.ClassFileName
    • Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName
    • Thanks to Brian Dunne for the patches.


  • PHPCBF: the messaging when no fixable errors are found will now distinguish between "No violations" (at all) versus "No fixable errors". #806
  • The -h (Help) option now contains a more extensive list of "config" options which can be set. #809
  • Improved error message when invalid sniff codes are supplied to --sniffs or --exclude command line arguments. #344
  • Improved error message when an invalid generator name is supplied to the --generator command line argument. #709, #771
    • The generator name will now also always be handled case-insensitively, independently of the OS used.
    • Thanks to Rodrigo Primo for the patch.
  • The user will be shown an informative error message for sniffs missing one of the required methods. #873
  • Ruleset processing will now be allowed to run to its conclusion - barring critical errors - before displaying all ruleset errors in one go. #857
    • Previously an error in a ruleset would cause PHPCS to exit immediately and show only one error at a time.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.
  • Generators: XML documentation files which don't contain any actual documentation will now silently be ignored. #755
  • Generators: when the title attribute is missing, the documentation generation will now fall back to the sniff name as the title. #820
  • Generators: cleaner output based on the elements of the documentation which are available. #819, #821
  • Generators/HTML: improved display of code tables by using semantic HTML. #854
  • Squiz.Classes.ClassFileName: recommend changing the file name instead of changing the class name. #845
    • This prevents unactionable recommendations due to the file name not translating to a valid PHP symbol name.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.
  • Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing: incorrect spacing after a comma followed by a promoted property has an improved error message and will now be flagged with the SpacingBeforePropertyModifier or NoSpaceBeforePropertyModifier error codes. #792
    • This was previously already flagged, but using either the SpacingBeforeHint or NoSpaceBeforeHint error code, which was misleading.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.
  • Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing: the sniff will now also check the spacing after property modifiers for promoted properties in constructor methods. #792
  • Squiz.WhiteSpace.ScopeKeywordSpacing: the sniff will now also check the spacing after the final and abstract modifier keywords. #604
  • The following sniff(s) have received efficiency improvements:
  • Incorrectly set inline properties (in test case files) will be silently ignored again. #884
  • The AbstractMethodUnitTest class will now flag duplicate test case markers in a test case file. #773
  • Various housekeeping, including improvements to the tests and documentation.


All deprecation are slated for removal in PHP_CodeSniffer 4.0.

  • Support for sniffs not implementing the PHPCS Sniff interface. See #694.
  • Support for including sniffs which don't comply with the PHPCS naming conventions (by referencing the sniff file directly). See #689.
  • Support for external standards named "Internal". See #799.
  • The following Generator methods are now (soft) deprecated. See #755:
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Text::printTitle() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Text::getFormattedTitle()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Text::printTextBlock() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Text::getFormattedTextBlock()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Text::printCodeComparisonBlock() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Text::getFormattedCodeComparisonBlock()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Markdown::printHeader() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Markdown::getFormattedHeader()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Markdown::printFooter() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Markdown::getFormattedFooter()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Markdown::printTextBlock() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Markdown::getFormattedTextBlock()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Markdown::printCodeComparisonBlock() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\Markdown::getFormattedCodeComparisonBlock()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\HTML::printHeader() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\HTML::getFormattedHeader()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\HTML::printToc() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\HTML::getFormattedToc()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\HTML::printFooter() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\HTML::getFormattedFooter()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\HTML::printTextBlock() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\HTML::getFormattedTextBlock()
    • PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\HTML::printCodeComparisonBlock() in favour of PHP_CodeSniffer\Generators\HTML::getFormattedCodeComparisonBlock()
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.


  • Fixed bug #794 : Generators: prevent fatal error when the XML documentation does not comply with the expected format.
  • Fixed bug #814 : Generic.NamingConventions.ConstructorName: prevent potential fatal errors during live coding.
  • Fixed bug #816 : File::getDeclarationName(): prevent incorrect result for unfinished closures during live coding.
  • Fixed bug #817 : Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName: ignore comments when determining the name to be validated.
  • Fixed bug #825 : Squiz.Classes.ClassDeclaration: false positives when the next thing after a class was a function with an attribute attached.
  • Fixed bug #826 : Squiz.WhiteSpace.FunctionSpacing: prevent incorrect some results when attributes are attached to a function.
  • Fixed bug #827 : PEAR.Functions.FunctionDeclaration: fixer conflict over an unfinished closure during live coding.
  • Fixed bug #828 : Squiz.WhiteSpace.MemberVarSpacing: allow for readonly properties.
  • Fixed bug #832 : Squiz.WhiteSpace.MemberVarSpacing: prevent potential fixer conflict during live coding.
  • Fixed bug #833 : Squiz.PHP.EmbeddedPhp: fixer conflict when a PHP open tag for a multi-line snippet is found on the same line as a single-line embedded PHP snippet.
  • Fixed bug #833 : Squiz.PHP.EmbeddedPhp: incorrect indent calculation in certain specific situa...
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3.11.3 - 2025-01-23

23 Jan 17:38
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  • Generic.ControlStructures.InlineControlStructure no longer unnecessarily listens for T_SWITCH tokens. #595
  • Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing: improvements to error message for SpaceBeforeComma error. #783
  • The following sniff(s) have received efficiency improvements:
  • Various housekeeping, including improvements to the tests and documentation.


  • Fixed bug #620 : Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing: newlines after type will now be handled by the fixer. This also prevents a potential fixer conflict.
  • Fixed bug #782 : Tokenizer/PHP: prevent an "Undefined array key" notice during live coding for unfinished arrow functions.
  • Fixed bug #783 : Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing: new line after reference token was not flagged nor fixed.
  • Fixed bug #783 : Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing: new line after variadic token was not flagged nor fixed.
  • Fixed bug #783 : Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing: new line before/after the equal sign for default values was not flagged nor fixed when equalsSpacing was set to 0.
  • Fixed bug #783 : Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing: fixer conflict when a new line is found before/after the equal sign for default values and equalsSpacing was set to 1.
  • Fixed bug #783 : Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing: fixer for spacing before/after equal sign could inadvertently remove comment.
  • Fixed bug #783 : Squiz.Functions.FunctionDeclarationArgumentSpacing: fixer will now handle comments between the end of a parameter and a comma more cleanly.
  • Fixed bug #784 : Squiz.WhiteSpace.FunctionSpacing: prevent fixer conflict when a multi-line docblock would start on the same line as the function close curly being examined.


Closed: 0 issues
Merged: 14 pull requests

If you like to stay informed about releases and more, follow @phpcs on Mastodon or @PHP_CodeSniffer on X.

Please consider funding the PHP_CodeSniffer project. If you already do so: thank you!

3.11.2 - 2024-12-11

11 Dec 17:15
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  • Generators/HTML + Markdown: the output will now be empty (no page header/footer) when there are no docs to display. #687
    • This is in line with the Text Generator which already didn't produce output if there are no docs.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.
  • Generators/HTML: only display a Table of Contents when there is more than one sniff with documentation. #697
  • Generators/HTML: improved handling of line breaks in <standard> blocks. #723
  • Generators/Markdown: improved compatibility with the variety of available markdown parsers. #722
  • Generators/Markdown: improved handling of line breaks in <standard> blocks. #737
    • This prevents additional paragraphs from being displayed as code blocks.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.
  • Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName: the exact token containing the non-uppercase constant name will now be identified with more accuracy. #665
  • Generic.Functions.OpeningFunctionBraceKernighanRitchie: minor improvement to the error message wording. #736
  • Various housekeeping, including improvements to the tests and documentation.


  • Fixed bug #527 : Squiz.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration: short lists within a foreach condition should be ignored.
  • Fixed bug #665 : Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName: false positives and false negatives when code uses unconventional spacing and comments when calling define().
  • Fixed bug #665 : Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName: false positive when a constant named DEFINE is encountered.
  • Fixed bug #665 : Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName: false positive for attribute class called define.
  • Fixed bug #665 : Generic.NamingConventions.UpperCaseConstantName: false positive when handling the instantiation of a class named define.
  • Fixed bug #688 : Generators/Markdown could leave error_reporting in an incorrect state.
  • Fixed bug #698 : Generators/Markdown : link in the documentation footer would not parse as a link.
  • Fixed bug #738 : Generators/Text: stray blank lines after code sample titles.
  • Fixed bug #739 : Generators/HTML + Markdown: multi-space whitespace within a code sample title was folded into a single space.


  • On December 1st, one year after the repo was abandoned and revived, a retrospective of the past year was published for funders.
    • This retrospective is publicly available and also provides some insights into what's to come in the new year.


Closed: 2 issues
Merged: 52 pull requests

If you like to stay informed about releases and more, follow @phpcs on Mastodon or @PHP_CodeSniffer on X.

Please consider funding the PHP_CodeSniffer project. If you already do so: thank you!

3.11.1 - 2024-11-16

16 Nov 12:35
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  • Fixed bug #674 : Generic.WhiteSpace.HereNowdocIdentifierSpacing broken XML documentation
  • Fixed bug #675 : InvalidArgumentException when a ruleset includes a sniff by file name and the included sniff does not comply with the PHPCS naming conventions.
    • Notwithstanding this fix, it is strongly recommended to ensure custom sniff classes comply with the PHPCS naming conventions.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.

New Contributors

The PHP_CodeSniffer project is happy to welcome the following new contributors:


Closed: 1 issue
Merged: 11 pull requests

If you like to stay informed about releases and more, follow @phpcs on Mastodon or @PHP_CodeSniffer on X.

Please consider funding the PHP_CodeSniffer project. If you already do so: thank you!

3.11.0 - 2024-11-12

12 Nov 11:46
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  • Runtime support for PHP 8.4. All known PHP 8.4 deprecation notices have been fixed.
    • Syntax support for new PHP 8.4 features will follow in a future release.
    • If you find any PHP 8.4 deprecation notices which were missed, please report them.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patches.
  • Tokenizer support for PHP 8.3 "yield from" expressions with a comment between the keywords. #529, #647
    • Sniffs explicitly handling T_YIELD_FROM tokens may need updating. The PR description contains example code for use by sniff developers.
    • Additionally, the following sniff has been updated to support "yield from" expressions with comments:
      • Generic.WhiteSpace.LanguageConstructSpacing
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.
  • New Generic.WhiteSpace.HereNowdocIdentifierSpacing sniff. #586, #637
    • Forbid whitespace between the <<< and the identifier string in heredoc/nowdoc start tokens.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.
  • New Generic.Strings.UnnecessaryHeredoc sniff. #633
    • Warns about heredocs without interpolation or expressions in the body text and can auto-fix these to nowdocs.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch.
  • Documentation for the following sniffs:


  • The Common::getSniffCode() method will now throw an InvalidArgumentException exception if an invalid $sniffClass is passed. #524, #625
  • Documentation generated using the --generator=... feature will now always be presented in natural order based on the sniff name(s). #668
  • Minor improvements to the display of runtime information. #658
  • Squiz.Commenting.PostStatementComment: trailing annotations in PHP files will now be reported under a separate, non-auto-fixable error code AnnotationFound. #560, #627
    • This prevents (tooling related) annotations from taking on a different meaning when moved by the fixer.
    • The separate error code also allows for selectively excluding it to prevent the sniff from triggering on trailing annotations, while still forbidding other trailing comments.
    • Thanks to Rodrigo Primo for the patch.
  • Squiz.ControlStructures.ForEachLoopDeclaration: the SpacingAfterOpen error code has been replaced by the SpaceAfterOpen error code. The latter is a pre-existing code. The former appears to have been a typo. #582
  • The following sniff(s) have received efficiency improvements:
  • Various housekeeping, including improvements to the tests and documentation.


  • Fixed bug #3808 : Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent would throw false positive for tab indented multi-token yield from expression.
  • Fixed bug #630 : The tokenizer could inadvertently transform "normal" parentheses to DNF parentheses, when a function call was preceded by a switch-case / alternative syntax control structure colon.
  • Fixed bug #645 : On PHP 5.4, if yield was used as the declaration name for a function declared to return by reference, the function name would incorrectly be tokenized as T_YIELD instead of T_STRING.
  • Fixed bug #647 : Tokenizer not applying tab replacement in single token "yield from" keywords.
  • Fixed bug #647 : Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowSpaceIndent did not flag space indentation in multi-line yield from.
  • Fixed bug #647 : Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowTabIndent did not flag tabs inside yield from.
  • Fixed bug #652 : Generic.NamingConventions.ConstructorName: false positives for PHP-4 style calls to PHP-4 style parent constructor when a method with the same name as the parent class was called on another class.
  • Fixed bug #652 : Generic.NamingConventions.ConstructorName: false negatives for PHP-4 style calls to parent constructor for function calls with whitespace and comments in unconventional places.
  • Fixed bug #653 : Generic.Classes.DuplicateClassName : the sniff did not skip namespace keywords used as operators, which could lead to false positives.
  • Fixed bug #653 : Generic.Classes.DuplicateClassName : sniff going into an infinite loop during live coding.
  • Fixed bug #653 : Generic.Classes.DuplicateClassName : false positives/negatives when a namespace declaration contained whitespace or comments in unconventional places.
  • Fixed bug #653 : Generic.Classes.DuplicateClassName : namespace for a file going in/out of PHP was not remembered/applied correctly.


Closed: 4 issues
Merged: 42 pull requests

If you like to stay informed about releases and more, follow @phpcs on Mastodon or @PHP_CodeSniffer on X.

Please consider funding the PHP_CodeSniffer project. If you already do so: thank you!

3.10.3 - 2024-09-18

18 Sep 11:15
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  • Fixed bug #553 : Squiz.Classes.SelfMemberReference: false negative(s) when namespace operator was encountered between the namespace declaration and the OO declaration.
  • Fixed bug #579 : AbstractPatternSniff: potential PHP notice during live coding.
  • Fixed bug #580 : Squiz.Formatting.OperatorBracket: potential PHP notice during live coding.
  • Fixed bug #581 : PSR12.ControlStructures.ControlStructureSpacing: prevent fixer conflict by correctly handling multiple empty newlines before the first condition in a multi-line control structure.
  • Fixed bug #585 : Tokenizer not applying tab replacement in heredoc/nowdoc openers.
  • Fixed bug #588 : Squiz.PHP.EmbeddedPhp false positive when checking spaces after a PHP short open tag.
  • Fixed bug #597 : Generic.PHP.LowerCaseKeyword did not flag nor fix non-lowercase anonymous class keywords.
  • Fixed bug #598 : Squiz.PHP.DisallowMultipleAssignments: false positive on assignments to variable property on object stored in array.
  • Fixed bug #608 : Squiz.Functions.MultiLineFunctionDeclaration did not take (parameter) attributes into account when checking for one parameter per line.


New Contributors

The PHP_CodeSniffer project is happy to welcome the following new contributors:


Closed: 4 issues
Merged: 19 pull requests

If you like to stay informed about releases and more, follow @phpcs on Mastodon or @PHP_CodeSniffer on X.

Please consider funding the PHP_CodeSniffer project. If you already do so: thank you!

3.10.2 - 2024-07-22

22 Jul 00:00
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  • Fixed bug #513 : Generic.Functions.FunctionCallArgumentSpacing did not ignore the body of a match expressions passed as a function argument, which could lead to false positives.
  • Fixed bug #533 : Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowTabIndent: tab indentation for heredoc/nowdoc closers will no longer be auto-fixed to prevent parse errors. The issue will still be reported.
    • The error code for heredoc/nowdoc indentation using tabs has been made more specific - TabsUsedHeredocCloser - to allow for selectively excluding the indentation check for heredoc/nowdoc closers.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch
  • Fixed bug #534 : Generic.WhiteSpace.DisallowSpaceIndent did not report on space indentation for PHP 7.3 flexible heredoc/nowdoc closers.
    • Closers using space indentation will be reported with a dedicated error code: SpacesUsedHeredocCloser.
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patch
  • Fixed bug #537 : Squiz.PHP.DisallowMultipleAssignments false positive for list assignments at the start of a new PHP block after an embedded PHP statement.
  • Fixed bug #551 : Squiz.PHP.DisallowMultipleAssignments prevent false positive for function parameters during live coding.
  • Fixed bug #554 : Generic.CodeAnalysis.UselessOverridingMethod edge case false negative when the call to the parent method would end on a PHP close tag.
  • Fixed bug #555 : Squiz.Classes.SelfMemberReference edge case false negative when the namespace declaration would end on a PHP close tag.

New Contributors

The PHP_CodeSniffer project is happy to welcome the following new contributor:
@biinari (with a whopping 9 merged PRs!)

We also welcome @klausi back to the project.

Furthermore, the project is happy to welcome @JetBrains as a corporate funder for the project, joining @Automattic, @humanmade and @godaddy.


Closed: 2 issues
Merged: 30 pull requests

If you like to stay informed about releases and more, follow @phpcs on Mastodon or @PHP_CodeSniffer on X.

3.10.1 - 2024-05-22

22 May 22:11
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  • Documentation for the following sniffs:
    • Generic.Commenting.DocComment
    • Thanks to Rodrigo Primo for the patch.


  • The following have received efficiency improvements:
  • Various housekeeping, including improvements to the tests and documentation.


  • Fixed bug #110, #437, #475: File::findStartOfStatement(): the start of statement/expression determination for tokens in parentheses/short array brackets/others scopes, nested within match expressions, was incorrect in most cases.
    The trickle down effect of the bug fixes made to the File::findStartOfStatement() method, is that the Generic.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent and the PEAR.WhiteSpace.ScopeIndent sniffs should now be able to correctly determine and fix the indent for match expressions containing nested expressions.
    These fixes also fix an issue with the Squiz.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration sniff and possibly other, unreported bugs.
  • Fixed bug #504: The tokenizer could inadvertently mistake the last parameter in a function call using named arguments for a DNF type.
  • Fixed bug #508: Tokenizer/PHP: extra hardening against handling parse errors in the type handling layer.


Closed: 5 issues
Merged: 7 pull requests

If you like to stay informed about releases and more, follow @phpcs on Mastodon or @PHP_CodeSniffer on X.

Full Changelog: 3.10.0...3.10.1

3.10.0 - 2024-05-20

20 May 09:11
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  • Tokenizer support for PHP 8.2 Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) types. #3731, #387, #461
    • Includes new T_TYPE_OPEN_PARENTHESIS and T_TYPE_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS tokens to represent the parentheses in DNF types.
    • These new tokens, like other parentheses, will have the parenthesis_opener and parenthesis_closer token array indexes set and the tokens between them will have the nested_parenthesis index.
    • The File::getMethodProperties(), File::getMethodParameters() and File::getMemberProperties() methods now all support DNF types. #471, #472, #473
    • Additionally, the following sniff has been updated to support DNF types:
      • Generic.PHP.LowerCaseType #478
    • Thanks to Juliette Reinders Folmer for the patches.
  • Documentation for the following sniffs:
    • Squiz.WhiteSpace.FunctionClosingBraceSpace
    • Thanks to Przemek Hernik for the patch.



  • Fixed bug #466 : Generic.Functions.CallTimePassByReference was not flagging call-time pass-by-reference in class instantiations using the self/parent/static keywords.
  • Fixed bug #494 : edge case bug in tokenization of an empty block comment.
  • Fixed bug #494 : edge case bug in tokenization of an empty single-line DocBlock.
  • Fixed bug #499 : Generic.ControlStructures.InlineControlStructure now handles statements with a comment between else and if correctly.

New Contributors

The PHP_CodeSniffer project is happy to welcome the following new contributors:


Closed: 2 issues
Merged: 26 pull requests

If you like to stay informed about releases and more, follow @phpcs on Mastodon or @PHP_CodeSniffer on X.

Please consider funding the PHP_CodeSniffer project. If you already do so: thank you!

Full Changelog: 3.9.2...3.10.0

3.9.2 - 2024-04-24

23 Apr 20:59
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  • The Generic.ControlStructures.DisallowYodaConditions sniff no longer listens for the null coalesce operator. #458
  • Various housekeeping, including improvements to the tests and documentation.


  • Fixed bug #381 : Squiz.Commenting.ClosingDeclarationComment could throw the wrong error when the close brace being examined is at the very end of a file.
  • Fixed bug #385 : Generic.CodeAnalysis.JumbledIncrementer improved handling of parse errors/live coding.
  • Fixed bug #394 : Generic.Functions.CallTimePassByReference was not flagging call-time pass-by-reference in anonymous class instantiations
  • Fixed bug #420 : PEAR.Functions.FunctionDeclaration could run into a blocking PHP notice while fixing code containing a parse error.
  • Fixed bug #421 : File::getMethodProperties() small performance improvement & more defensive coding.
  • Fixed bug #423 : PEAR.WhiteSpace.ScopeClosingBrace would have a fixer conflict with itself when a close tag was preceded by non-empty inline HTML.
  • Fixed bug #424 : PSR2.Classes.ClassDeclaration using namespace relative interface names in the extends/implements part of a class declaration would lead to a fixer conflict.
  • Fixed bug #427 : Squiz.Operators.OperatorSpacing would have a fixer conflict with itself when an operator was preceeded by a new line and the previous line ended in a comment.
  • Fixed bug #430 : Squiz.ControlStructures.ForLoopDeclaration: fixed potential undefined array index notice
  • Fixed bug #431 : PSR2.Classes.ClassDeclaration will no longer try to auto-fix multi-line interface implements statements if these are interlaced with comments on their own line. This prevents a potential fixer conflict.
  • Fixed bug #453 : Arrow function tokenization was broken when the return type was a stand-alone true or false; or contained true or false as part of a union type.


  • ESLint 9.0 has been released and changes the supported configuration file format.
    The (deprecated) Generic.Debug.ESLint sniff only supports the "old" configuration file formats and when using the sniff to run ESLint, the ESLINT_USE_FLAT_CONFIG=false environment variable will need to be set when using ESLint >= 9.0.
    For more information, see #436.


Closed: 0 issues
Merged: 22 pull requests

If you like to stay informed about releases and more, follow @phpcs on Mastodon or @PHP_CodeSniffer on X.

If you like what you see, please consider funding the PHP_CodeSniffer project. If you already do so: thank you!