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- PaddleMIX Public
Paddle Multimodal Integration and eXploration, supporting mainstream multi-modal tasks, including end-to-end large-scale multi-modal pretrain models and diffusion model toolbox. Equipped with high performance and flexibility.
PaddlePaddle/PaddleMIX’s past year of commit activity - PaddleScience Public
PaddleScience is SDK and library for developing AI-driven scientific computing applications based on PaddlePaddle.
PaddlePaddle/PaddleScience’s past year of commit activity - PaddleRec Public
Recommendation Algorithm大规模推荐算法库,包含推荐系统经典及最新算法LR、Wide&Deep、DSSM、TDM、MIND、Word2Vec、Bert4Rec、DeepWalk、SSR、AITM,DSIN,SIGN,IPREC、GRU4Rec、Youtube_dnn、NCF、GNN、FM、FFM、DeepFM、DCN、DIN、DIEN、DLRM、MMOE、PLE、ESMM、ESCMM, MAML、xDeepFM、DeepFEFM、NFM、AFM、RALM、DMR、GateNet、NAML、DIFM、Deep Crossing、PNN、BST、AutoInt、FGCNN、FLEN、Fibinet、ListWise、DeepRec、ENSFM,TiSAS,AutoFI…
PaddlePaddle/PaddleRec’s past year of commit activity - PaddleVideo Public
Awesome video understanding toolkits based on PaddlePaddle. It supports video data annotation tools, lightweight RGB and skeleton based action recognition model, practical applications for video tagging and sport action detection.
PaddlePaddle/PaddleVideo’s past year of commit activity - PaddleClas Public
A treasure chest for visual classification and recognition powered by PaddlePaddle
PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas’s past year of commit activity - PaddleNLP Public
👑 Easy-to-use and powerful NLP and LLM library with 🤗 Awesome model zoo, supporting wide-range of NLP tasks from research to industrial applications, including 🗂Text Classification, 🔍 Neural Search, ❓ Question Answering, ℹ️ Information Extraction, 📄 Document Intelligence, 💌 Sentiment Analysis etc.
PaddlePaddle/PaddleNLP’s past year of commit activity