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A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from platforms:

  • Codeforces

Codeforces is a website which hosts competitive programming contests:


# Title Solution Tags Submitted
288 B - Minimum Product GNU C++17 brute force greedy math *1100 Sep/05/2020 14:50
287 C - The Fair Nut and String GNU C++17 combinatorics dp implementation *1500 Jun/01/2020 23:54
286 B - Kvass and the Fair Nut GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1200 Jun/01/2020 23:16
285 A - The Fair Nut and Elevator GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1000 Jun/01/2020 22:53
284 A - Odd Selection GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *1200 May/31/2020 23:51
283 B - Subsequence Hate GNU C++17 implementation strings *1400 May/31/2020 23:49
282 C - Game On Leaves GNU C++17 games trees *1600 May/31/2020 23:48
281 E - Tree Shuffling GNU C++17 dfs and similar dp greedy trees *2000 May/31/2020 23:46
280 C - Mixing Water GNU C++17 binary search math *1700 May/29/2020 02:43
279 D - Yet Another Yet Another Task GNU C++17 (64) data structures dp implementation two pointers *2000 May/29/2020 01:45
278 B - New Theatre Square GNU C++17 (64) brute force dp greedy implementation two pointers *1000 May/29/2020 01:04
277 A - Berland Poker GNU C++17 (64) brute force greedy math *1000 May/29/2020 00:52
276 D - Decorate Apple Tree GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms dfs and similar dp graphs greedy sortings trees *1600 May/28/2020 00:59
275 B - Divide Candies GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1600 May/28/2020 00:58
274 A - Determine Line GNU C++17 (64) implementation *800 May/28/2020 00:56
273 D - The Best Vacation GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force greedy implementation two pointers *1900 May/26/2020 23:58
272 C - Celex Update GNU C++17 (64) math *1600 May/26/2020 23:52
271 B - Maria Breaks the Self-isolation GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *1000 May/26/2020 23:48
270 A - Park Lighting GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 May/26/2020 23:32
269 C - Masha and two friends GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1500 May/26/2020 00:56
268 B - Margarite and the best present GNU C++17 (64) math *900 May/25/2020 23:00
267 E - Polygon GNU C++17 (64) dp graphs implementation shortest paths *1300 May/24/2020 20:57
266 D - Buying Shovels GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1300 May/24/2020 20:37
265 A - Minimal Square GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *800 May/24/2020 20:24
264 B - Honest Coach GNU C++17 (64) greedy sortings *800 May/24/2020 20:19
263 C - Similar Pairs GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms graph matchings greedy sortings *1100 May/24/2020 20:15
262 D - Berland Fair GNU C++17 (64) binary search brute force data structures greedy *1700 May/23/2020 20:43
261 B - Vasya and Books GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *1000 May/23/2020 19:19
260 A - Diverse Substring GNU C++17 (64) implementation strings *1000 May/23/2020 19:05
259 E - Multihedgehog GNU C++17 (64) graphs shortest paths trees *1800 May/23/2020 04:10
258 C - Colored Rooks GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms graphs *1700 May/23/2020 03:06
257 B - LCM GNU C++17 (64) math number theory *1200 May/23/2020 01:05
256 A - Birthday GNU C++17 (64) math *1400 May/23/2020 00:32
255 C - Cram Time GNU C++17 (64) greedy math *1600 May/22/2020 00:05
254 B - Curiosity Has No Limits GNU C++17 (64) dp *1500 May/21/2020 23:49
253 A - Golden Plate GNU C++17 (64) implementation math *800 May/21/2020 22:38
252 D - Labyrinth GNU C++17 (64) graphs shortest paths *1800 May/21/2020 00:43
251 C - Oh Those Palindromes GNU C++17 (64) constructive algorithms *1300 May/20/2020 23:41
250 B - Equations of Mathematical Magic GNU C++17 (64) math *1200 May/20/2020 23:28
249 A - Make a triangle! GNU C++17 (64) brute force geometry math *800 May/20/2020 23:04
248 E - Binary Numbers AND Sum GNU C++17 (64) data structures implementation math *1700 May/20/2020 01:20
247 D - Boxes Packing GNU C++17 (64) binary search implementation *1800 May/20/2020 00:39
246 C - Books Queries GNU C++17 (64) implementation *1400 May/20/2020 00:28
245 B - Heaters GNU C++17 (64) greedy two pointers *1500 May/20/2020 00:27
244 A - Vova and Train GNU C++17 (64) math *1100 May/19/2020 23:58
243 A - Fafa and his Company GNU C++17 (64) brute force implementation *800 May/18/2020 20:52
242 A - Fancy Fence GNU C++17 (64) geometry implementation math *1100 May/18/2020 20:33
241 B - BerSU Ball GNU C++17 (64) dfs and similar dp graph matchings greedy sortings two pointers *1200 May/18/2020 20:31
240 A - Raising Bacteria GNU C++17 (64) bitmasks *1000 May/18/2020 20:22
239 D - Multiset GNU C++17 (64) binary search data structures *1900 May/18/2020 02:51
238 B - Ternary String GNU C++17 binary search dp implementation two pointers *1200 May/18/2020 01:20
237 A - Alarm Clock GNU C++17 math *900 May/18/2020 01:02
236 C - Given Length and Sum of Digits... GNU C++17 dp greedy implementation *1400 May/17/2020 03:47
235 A - Cheap Travel GNU C++17 implementation *1200 May/17/2020 03:09
234 A - Boredom GNU C++17 dp *1500 May/17/2020 02:44
233 B - T-primes GNU C++17 binary search implementation math number theory *1300 May/17/2020 02:10
232 B - Vanya and Lanterns GNU C++17 binary search implementation math sortings *1200 May/17/2020 02:02
231 A - New Year Transportation GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs implementation *1000 May/17/2020 01:54
230 C - Count Triangles GNU C++17 binary search implementation math two pointers *1800 May/17/2020 00:25
229 D - Game With Array GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1400 May/17/2020 00:07
228 B - Young Explorers GNU C++17 dp greedy sortings *1200 May/17/2020 00:01
227 A - Sequence with Digits GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *1200 May/16/2020 23:32
226 A - IQ test GNU C++17 brute force *1300 May/15/2020 23:08
225 A - Calculating Function GNU C++17 implementation math *800 May/15/2020 22:58
224 A - Kefa and First Steps GNU C++17 brute force dp implementation *900 May/15/2020 20:04
223 D - Constructing the Array GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures sortings *1600 May/15/2020 00:25
222 C - Board Moves GNU C++17 math *1000 May/15/2020 00:14
221 B - Two Arrays And Swaps GNU C++17 greedy sortings *800 May/14/2020 23:59
220 A - Most Unstable Array GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *800 May/14/2020 23:52
219 G - Special Permutation GNU C++17 constructive algorithms *1600 May/09/2020 22:24
218 F - Binary String Reconstruction GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dfs and similar math *1500 May/09/2020 22:06
217 E - Special Elements GNU C++17 brute force implementation two pointers *1500 May/09/2020 21:53
216 D - Alice, Bob and Candies GNU C++17 implementation *1300 May/09/2020 21:29
215 C - K-th Not Divisible by n GNU C++17 binary search math *1200 May/09/2020 21:18
214 B - Same Parity Summands GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1200 May/09/2020 21:09
213 A - Sum of Round Numbers GNU C++17 implementation math *800 May/09/2020 20:47
212 A - Twins GNU C++17 greedy sortings *900 May/09/2020 19:02
211 A - Tram GNU C++17 implementation *800 May/09/2020 18:36
210 A - Lucky Division GNU C++17 brute force number theory *1000 May/09/2020 17:44
209 A - Young Physicist GNU C++17 implementation math *1000 May/09/2020 17:38
208 A - Helpful Maths GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings strings *800 May/09/2020 17:27
207 A - Petya and Strings GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 May/09/2020 17:19
206 A - Domino piling GNU C++17 greedy math *800 May/09/2020 17:13
205 A - String Task GNU C++17 implementation strings *1000 May/09/2020 17:02
204 A - Team GNU C++17 brute force greedy *800 May/09/2020 16:52
203 A - Next Round GNU C++17 *special problem implementation *800 May/09/2020 16:40
202 A - Way Too Long Words GNU C++17 strings *800 May/09/2020 16:24
201 A - Theatre Square GNU C++17 math *1000 May/09/2020 00:32
200 A - Watermelon GNU C++17 brute force math *800 May/09/2020 00:18
199 A - Mike and Cellphone GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms implementation *1400 Mar/12/2020 18:55
198 C - NEKO's Maze Game GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1400 Jan/21/2020 23:45
197 C - Two Arrays Mono C# combinatorics dp *1600 Jan/14/2020 23:01
196 C - Garland GNU C++17 dp greedy sortings *1800 Jan/12/2020 00:36
195 C - Fadi and LCM GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1400 Jan/11/2020 01:47
194 B - Just Eat It! GNU C++17 dp greedy implementation *1300 Jan/11/2020 01:39
193 A - Mezo Playing Zoma GNU C++17 math *800 Jan/11/2020 01:20
192 D - Prime Graph GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1500 Jan/09/2020 03:04
191 C - Friends and Gifts GNU C++17 constructive algorithms data structures math *1500 Jan/08/2020 09:50
190 B - Hyperset GNU C++17 brute force data structures implementation *1500 Jan/07/2020 02:12
189 A - Angry Students GNU C++17 greedy implementation *800 Jan/06/2020 00:57
188 B - New Year and Ascent Sequence GNU C++17 binary search combinatorics data structures dp implementation sortings *1400 Jan/05/2020 00:36
187 C - New Year and Permutation GNU C++17 combinatorics math *1600 Jan/04/2020 23:59
186 B - Blocks GNU C++17 greedy math *1300 Jan/03/2020 00:51
185 B - Candies Division GNU C++17 math *900 Jan/02/2020 00:13
184 B - Interesting Subarray GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math *1200 Jan/01/2020 23:40
183 C - Gourmet Cat GNU C++17 implementation math *1400 Sep/26/2019 22:30
182 B - Make Them Equal GNU C++17 math *1200 Sep/26/2019 22:14
181 A - Restoring Three Numbers GNU C++17 math *800 Sep/26/2019 22:02
180 C - Match Points GNU C++17 binary search greedy sortings ternary search two pointers *2000 Sep/24/2019 02:15
179 B - Ugly Pairs GNU C++17 dfs and similar greedy implementation sortings strings *1800 Sep/24/2019 02:02
178 A - Inscribed Figures GNU C++17 geometry *1400 Sep/24/2019 01:18
177 C - Common Divisors GNU C++17 Aug/20/2019 02:47
176 C - Almost Equal GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1200 Aug/20/2019 00:39
175 B - Make Product Equal One GNU C++17 dp implementation *900 Aug/20/2019 00:27
174 A - Choose Two Numbers GNU C++17 math sortings *800 Aug/20/2019 00:14
173 B1 - Cat Party (Easy Edition) GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1500 Aug/19/2019 03:28
172 B2 - Cat Party (Hard Edition) GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1600 Aug/19/2019 03:27
171 A - Eating Soup GNU C++17 greedy math *900 Aug/19/2019 02:59
170 B - Pasha Maximizes GNU C++17 greedy *1400 Jul/31/2019 22:40
169 B - Water Lily GNU C++17 geometry math *1000 Jul/31/2019 00:21
168 D - Welfare State GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1600 Jul/31/2019 00:08
167 D1 - RGB Substring (easy version) GNU C++17 implementation *1500 Jul/25/2019 14:48
166 D2 - RGB Substring (hard version) GNU C++17 data structures dp implementation two pointers *1600 Jul/25/2019 14:45
165 C - Robot Breakout GNU C++17 implementation *1500 Jul/25/2019 14:32
164 B - Odd Sum Segments GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1200 Jul/25/2019 14:13
163 A - Three Piles of Candies GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms math *800 Jul/25/2019 14:02
162 C - Serval and Parenthesis Sequence GNU C++17 greedy strings *1700 May/31/2019 11:57
161 B - Serval and Toy Bricks GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *1200 May/31/2019 11:37
160 A - Serval and Bus GNU C++17 brute force math *1000 May/31/2019 11:23
159 B - Petr# GNU C++17 brute force data structures hashing strings *2000 May/29/2019 13:12
158 C - Increasing by Modulo GNU C++17 binary search greedy *1700 May/28/2019 20:19
157 B - Pairs GNU C++17 graphs implementation *1500 May/28/2019 20:09
156 A - Circle Metro GNU C++17 implementation math *900 May/28/2019 20:01
155 D - The Beatles GNU C++17 implementation math number theory *1700 May/28/2019 19:11
154 C - Queen GNU C++17 dfs and similar trees *1400 May/28/2019 19:09
153 A - The Doors GNU C++17 implementation *800 May/28/2019 19:08
152 B - Nirvana GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1200 May/28/2019 19:07
151 C - Prefix Sum Primes GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy math number theory *1200 May/25/2019 02:01
150 B - Tiling Challenge GNU C++17 greedy implementation *900 May/25/2019 01:55
149 A - Stock Arbitraging GNU C++17 greedy implementation *800 May/25/2019 01:43
148 E - Minimum Array GNU C++17 binary search data structures greedy *1700 May/25/2019 00:41
147 C1 - Increasing Subsequence (easy version) GNU C++17 greedy *1300 May/25/2019 00:32
146 C2 - Increasing Subsequence (hard version) GNU C++17 greedy *1700 May/25/2019 00:30
145 B - Long Number GNU C++17 greedy *1300 May/25/2019 00:12
144 A - Reachable Numbers GNU C++17 implementation *1100 May/25/2019 00:05
143 B - Neko Performs Cat Furrier Transform GNU C++17 bitmasks constructive algorithms dfs and similar math *1300 Apr/24/2019 21:47
142 C - Neko does Maths GNU C++17 brute force math number theory *1800 Apr/24/2019 21:36
141 A - Neko Finds Grapes GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *800 Apr/24/2019 20:43
140 D - Beautiful Array GNU C++17 brute force data structures divide and conquer dp greedy *1900 Apr/22/2019 22:33
139 C - Alarm Clocks Everywhere GNU C++17 math number theory *1300 Apr/22/2019 21:12
138 B - Game with Telephone Numbers GNU C++17 games greedy implementation *1200 Apr/22/2019 20:59
137 A - Reverse a Substring GNU C++17 implementation sortings strings *1000 Apr/22/2019 20:39
136 D - Frets On Fire GNU C++17 binary search sortings *1800 Apr/13/2019 00:41
135 C - Ramesses and Corner Inversion GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy implementation math *1500 Apr/12/2019 23:45
134 B - Alyona and a Narrow Fridge GNU C++17 binary search flows greedy sortings *1300 Apr/12/2019 23:15
133 A - Ilya and a Colorful Walk GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1100 Apr/12/2019 22:57
132 A - Thanos Sort GNU C++17 implementation Apr/01/2019 21:20
131 E - Median String GNU C++17 bitmasks math number theory strings *1900 Apr/01/2019 13:30
130 G - Two Merged Sequences GNU C++17 dp greedy *2400 Apr/01/2019 12:13
129 F - Graph Without Long Directed Paths GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs *1700 Mar/31/2019 21:40
128 D - Equalize Them All GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy *1400 Mar/31/2019 21:08
127 C - Two Shuffled Sequences GNU C++17 constructive algorithms sortings *1000 Mar/31/2019 20:32
126 B - Parity Alternated Deletions GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *900 Mar/31/2019 20:20
125 A - Diverse Strings GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Mar/31/2019 20:10
124 C - Playlist GNU C++17 brute force data structures sortings *1600 Mar/23/2019 03:06
123 D - Minimum Triangulation GNU C++17 dp greedy math *1200 Mar/23/2019 03:01
122 B - Good String GNU C++17 implementation strings *1200 Mar/23/2019 02:59
121 A - Detective Book GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Mar/23/2019 02:57
120 C - Edgy Trees GNU C++17 dfs and similar dsu graphs math trees *1500 Mar/23/2019 02:46
119 B - Chocolates GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1000 Mar/23/2019 02:19
118 A - Even Substrings GNU C++17 implementation strings *800 Mar/23/2019 02:11
117 E - Superhero Battle GNU C++17 math *1700 Mar/20/2019 01:20
116 D - Colored Boots GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1500 Mar/20/2019 00:44
115 C - Polycarp Restores Permutation GNU C++17 math *1500 Mar/19/2019 23:59
114 B - Maximal Continuous Rest GNU C++17 implementation *900 Mar/19/2019 23:20
113 A - Game 23 GNU C++17 implementation math *1000 Mar/19/2019 23:11
112 D - Nastya Is Buying Lunch GNU C++17 greedy *1800 Mar/12/2019 14:51
111 C - Nastya Is Transposing Matrices GNU C++17 constructive algorithms sortings *1500 Mar/12/2019 14:06
110 B - Nastya Is Playing Computer Games GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math *1000 Mar/12/2019 13:55
109 A - Nastya Is Reading a Book GNU C++17 implementation *800 Mar/12/2019 13:42
108 E - K Balanced Teams GNU C++17 dp sortings two pointers *1800 Mar/11/2019 18:46
107 F1 - Spanning Tree with Maximum Degree GNU C++17 graphs *1600 Mar/11/2019 18:00
106 C - Balanced Team GNU C++17 sortings two pointers *1200 Mar/11/2019 17:36
105 B - Preparation for International Women's Day GNU C++17 math number theory *1200 Mar/11/2019 17:31
104 A - Middle of the Contest GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Mar/11/2019 17:18
103 E - A Simple Task GNU C++17 data structures sortings strings *2300 Mar/11/2019 16:17
102 E - Lucky Queries GNU C++17 data structures *2400 Mar/10/2019 17:33
101 D - Camp Schedule GNU C++17 greedy hashing string suffix structures strings *1600 Mar/08/2019 23:42
100 A - Sushi for Two GNU C++17 binary search greedy implementation *900 Mar/08/2019 22:26
99 C - Skyscrapers GNU C++17 implementation sortings *1600 Mar/08/2019 17:26
98 D - The Child and Sequence GNU C++17 data structures math *2300 Mar/07/2019 13:43
97 C - Circular RMQ GNU C++17 data structures *2200 Mar/07/2019 13:25
96 F - Compress String GNU C++17 strings *2100 Mar/07/2019 10:18
95 C - Painting the Fence GNU C++17 brute force *1700 Mar/07/2019 10:00
94 F - Clear the String GNU C++17 dp *2000 Mar/07/2019 09:38
93 B - Discounts GNU C++17 greedy sortings *900 Mar/07/2019 09:17
92 A - Regular Bracket Sequence GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1100 Mar/07/2019 09:10
91 D - Points GNU C++17 data structures *2800 Mar/05/2019 12:48
90 D - Misha and Permutations Summation GNU C++17 data structures *2000 Mar/05/2019 02:17
89 D - Pashmak and Parmida's problem GNU C++17 data structures divide and conquer sortings *1800 Mar/04/2019 18:59
88 C - System Testing GNU C++17 implementation *1600 Mar/04/2019 18:30
87 D - Xenia and Bit Operations GNU C++17 data structures trees *1700 Mar/04/2019 12:16
86 B - Mike and Children GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1200 Mar/03/2019 22:00
85 A - Technogoblet of Fire GNU C++17 implementation sortings *1100 Mar/03/2019 21:53
84 F - Asya And Kittens GNU C++17 constructive algorithms dsu *1700 Mar/01/2019 15:39
83 B - Draw! GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1400 Mar/01/2019 15:17
82 C - Birthday GNU C++17 binary search greedy sortings *1200 Mar/01/2019 14:54
81 A - Sea Battle GNU C++17 math *800 Mar/01/2019 14:49
80 B - Bubble Sort Graph GNU C++17 binary search data structures dp *1500 Feb/26/2019 01:38
79 D1 - Toy Train (Simplified) GNU C++17 brute force greedy *1700 Feb/25/2019 15:15
78 D2 - Toy Train GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation *1800 Feb/25/2019 15:15
77 C - Connect GNU C++17 brute force dfs and similar dsu *1400 Feb/25/2019 14:44
76 B - Two Cakes GNU C++17 greedy *1200 Feb/25/2019 14:10
75 A - Be Positive GNU C++17 implementation *800 Feb/25/2019 13:56
74 F1 - Tree Cutting (Easy Version) GNU C++17 dfs and similar trees *1800 Feb/20/2019 21:48
73 E - Yet Another Ball Problem GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1700 Feb/20/2019 20:54
72 D1 - Coffee and Coursework (Easy version) GNU C++17 brute force greedy *1700 Feb/20/2019 13:45
71 D2 - Coffee and Coursework (Hard Version) GNU C++17 binary search greedy *1700 Feb/20/2019 13:45
70 C - Magic Ship GNU C++17 binary search *1900 Feb/18/2019 22:49
69 B - Emotes GNU C++17 greedy math sortings *1000 Feb/18/2019 22:05
68 A - Best Subsegment GNU C++17 implementation math *1100 Feb/18/2019 21:46
67 C - Sasha and a Bit of Relax GNU C++17 *1600 Feb/17/2019 00:48
66 D - Sasha and One More Name GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms strings *1800 Feb/16/2019 23:53
65 B - Sasha and Magnetic Machines GNU C++17 greedy number theory *1300 Feb/16/2019 23:08
64 A - Sasha and His Trip GNU C++17 dp greedy math *900 Feb/16/2019 22:42
63 B - Books GNU C++17 binary search brute force implementation two pointers *1400 Feb/14/2019 15:38
62 F - Please, another Queries on Array? GNU C++17 bitmasks data structures divide and conquer math number theory *2400 Feb/13/2019 00:24
61 D - Flood Fill GNU C++17 dp *1900 Feb/12/2019 23:15
60 C - Trailing Loves (or L'oeufs?) GNU C++17 brute force implementation math number theory *1700 Feb/12/2019 23:00
59 B - Yet Another Array Partitioning Task GNU C++17 constructive algorithms greedy sortings *1500 Feb/12/2019 20:32
58 A - Got Any Grapes? GNU C++17 brute force greedy implementation *800 Feb/12/2019 20:06
57 E - Magic Stones GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math sortings *2200 Feb/08/2019 03:32
56 C - Meaningless Operations GNU C++17 constructive algorithms math number theory *1500 Feb/08/2019 03:15
55 B - Tape GNU C++17 greedy sortings *1400 Feb/08/2019 03:08
54 A - Parity GNU C++17 math *900 Feb/08/2019 02:51
53 D - Lunar New Year and a Wander GNU C++17 data structures dfs and similar graphs greedy shortest paths *1500 Feb/01/2019 02:34
52 C - Lunar New Year and Number Division GNU C++17 greedy implementation math sortings *900 Feb/01/2019 02:29
51 B - Lunar New Year and Food Ordering GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1500 Feb/01/2019 02:27
50 C - Grid game GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1400 Jan/22/2019 21:07
49 B - Game with string GNU C++17 data structures implementation math *1200 Jan/22/2019 20:48
48 A - Splitting into digits GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation math *800 Jan/22/2019 20:41
47 D - Kilani and the Game GNU C++17 dfs and similar graphs implementation shortest paths *1900 Jan/21/2019 01:10
46 C - Ayoub and Lost Array GNU C++17 combinatorics dp math *1500 Jan/20/2019 23:15
45 B - Zuhair and Strings GNU C++17 brute force implementation strings *1100 Jan/20/2019 22:59
44 A - Salem and Sticks GNU C++17 brute force implementation *1100 Jan/20/2019 22:49
43 C - NN and the Optical Illusion GNU C++17 binary search geometry math *1200 Jan/13/2019 21:14
42 B - Build a Contest GNU C++17 data structures implementation *1300 Jan/13/2019 20:54
41 A - Roman and Browser GNU C++17 implementation *1000 Jan/13/2019 20:46
40 E - Polycarp's New Job GNU C++17 implementation *1500 Jan/11/2019 22:20
39 C - Division and Union GNU C++17 sortings *1500 Jan/11/2019 21:55
38 B - Accordion GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1300 Jan/11/2019 21:52
37 A - Minimum Integer GNU C++17 math *1000 Jan/11/2019 21:48
36 D - Sum in the tree GNU C++17 constructive algorithms trees *1600 Jan/06/2019 00:16
35 C - Postcard GNU C++17 constructive algorithms implementation *1200 Jan/05/2019 23:43
34 B - Squares and Segments GNU C++17 binary search constructive algorithms math *1100 Jan/05/2019 23:11
33 A - Snowball GNU C++17 implementation *800 Jan/05/2019 22:49
32 D - New Year and the Permutation Concatenation GNU C++17 combinatorics dp math *1700 Dec/30/2018 22:05
31 C - New Year and the Sphere Transmission GNU C++17 math number theory *1400 Dec/30/2018 21:40
30 B - New Year and the Treasure Geolocation GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms greedy implementation *1200 Dec/30/2018 21:05
29 A - New Year and the Christmas Ornament GNU C++17 brute force implementation math *800 Dec/30/2018 20:40
28 F - Tree with Maximum Cost GNU C++17 dfs and similar dp trees *1900 Dec/29/2018 15:16
27 D - Easy Problem GNU C++17 dp *1800 Dec/29/2018 11:45
26 B - Substring Removal GNU C++17 combinatorics math strings *1300 Dec/29/2018 11:37
25 A - Find Divisible GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *800 Dec/29/2018 11:11
24 E - Almost Regular Bracket Sequence GNU C++17 implementation *1900 Dec/29/2018 11:03
23 F - Make It Connected GNU C++17 dsu graphs greedy *1900 Dec/29/2018 10:52
22 D - Circular Dance GNU C++17 implementation *1600 Dec/28/2018 18:56
21 C - Powers Of Two GNU C++17 bitmasks greedy *1400 Dec/28/2018 18:25
20 C - Multiplicity GNU C++17 data structures dp implementation math number theory *1700 Dec/22/2018 00:19
19 B - Views Matter GNU C++17 greedy implementation sortings *1400 Dec/21/2018 23:32
18 A - Coins GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *800 Dec/21/2018 22:58
17 D - Barcelonian Distance GNU C++17 geometry implementation *1900 Nov/19/2018 18:01
16 C - Playing Piano GNU C++17 dp *1700 Nov/19/2018 17:32
15 B - Personalized Cup GNU C++17 *1200 Nov/19/2018 17:04
14 A - Kitchen Utensils GNU C++17 *900 Nov/19/2018 16:23
13 F1 - Pictures with Kittens (easy version) GNU C++17 dp *1900 Nov/17/2018 19:12
12 D - Cutting Out GNU C++17 binary search sortings *1600 Nov/17/2018 18:48
11 C - Good Array GNU C++17 *1300 Nov/17/2018 18:15
10 B - Disturbed People GNU C++17 greedy *1000 Nov/17/2018 17:59
9 A - Frog Jumping GNU C++17 math *800 Nov/17/2018 17:55
8 A - A Prank GNU C++17 greedy implementation *1300 Nov/15/2018 02:13
7 B - Math GNU C++17 greedy math number theory *1500 Nov/14/2018 22:37
6 C - Banh-mi GNU C++17 greedy implementation math *1600 Nov/14/2018 22:11
5 A - Hexadecimal's theorem GNU C++17 brute force constructive algorithms implementation number theory *900 Nov/14/2018 17:07
4 A - Ilya and Bank Account GNU C++17 implementation number theory *900 Nov/14/2018 17:00
3 D - Edge Deletion GNU C++17 graphs greedy shortest paths *1800 Nov/13/2018 15:29
2 C - Meme Problem GNU C++17 binary search math *1300 Nov/12/2018 21:14
1 B - Divisor Subtraction GNU C++17 implementation math number theory *1200 Nov/12/2018 21:03


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