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reorganize shell examples
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PetrKryslUCSD committed Dec 12, 2024
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Wave propagation in a plate with a crack.
module plate_with_crack_examples

using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
using Arpack
using FinEtools
using FinEtools.AlgoBaseModule: solve_blocked!, matrix_blocked, vector_blocked
using FinEtoolsDeforLinear
using FinEtoolsFlexStructures
using FinEtoolsFlexStructures.FESetShellT3Module: FESetShellT3
using FinEtoolsFlexStructures.AssemblyModule
using FinEtoolsFlexStructures.FEMMShellT3FFModule
using FinEtoolsFlexStructures.RotUtilModule: initial_Rfield, update_rotation_field!
using SymRCM
using SparseMatricesCSR
using VisualStructures: default_layout_3d, plot_nodes, plot_midline, render, plot_space_box, plot_midsurface, space_aspectratio, save_to_json
using PlotlyJS
using Gnuplot; #@gp "clear"
using FinEtools.MeshExportModule.VTKWrite: vtkwritecollection
using ThreadedSparseCSR
using GEPHelpers: pwr_largest
# using InteractiveUtils.#
# using BenchmarkTools
using FinEtools.MeshExportModule.VTKWrite: vtkwritecollection, vtkwrite

const E = 72.7*phun("GPa");
const nu = 0.33;
const rho = 2700.0*phun("kg/m^3")
const d1 = 500*phun("mm")
const d2 = 50*phun("mm")
const d3 = 750*phun("mm")
const d4 = 250*phun("mm")
const thickness = 5*phun("mm")
const ksi = 0.0
const omegad = 1000*phun("Hz")
const carrier_frequency = 75*phun("kilo*Hz")
const modulation_frequency = carrier_frequency/4
const forcepatchradius = 20*phun("mm")
const forcedensity = 1*phun("N")
const color = "red"
const tend = 0.9*phun("milli*s")
const visualize = true

function parloop_csr!(M, K, ksi, U0, V0, tend, dt, force!, peek, nthr)
U = deepcopy(U0)
V = deepcopy(U0)
A = deepcopy(U0)
F = deepcopy(U0)
E = deepcopy(U0)
C = deepcopy(U0)
C .= (ksi*2*omegad) .* vec(diag(M))
invMC = deepcopy(U0)
invMC .= 1.0 ./ (vec(diag(M)) .+ (dt/2) .* C)
nsteps = Int64(round(tend/dt))
if nsteps*dt < tend
dt = tend / (nsteps+1)

nth = (nthr == 0 ? Base.Threads.nthreads() : nthr)
@info "$nth threads used"

t = 0.0
# Initial Conditions
@. U = U0; @. V = V0
A .= invMC .* force!(F, t);
peek(0, U, t)
@time for step in 1:nsteps
# Displacement update
@. U += dt*V + ((dt^2)/2)*A;
# External loading
force!(F, t);
# Add elastic restoring forces
F .-= ThreadedSparseCSR.bmul!(E, K, U)
@inbounds @simd for i in eachindex(U)
_Fi = F[i]; _Ai = A[i]; _Vi = V[i]
# Add damping forces
_Fi -= C[i] * (_Vi + (dt/2) * _Ai)
# Compute the new acceleration.
_A1i = invMC[i] * _Fi
A[i] = _A1i
# Update the velocity
V[i] += (dt/2)* (_Ai + _A1i);
t = t + dt
peek(step, U, t)

function _execute_parallel_csr(nref = 2, nthr = 0, color = "red")
tolerance = d2/nref/100

d5 = (d1 - d2) / 2
d6 = (d3 - d4)
nd5 = 5
xs = sort(unique(vcat(
linearspace(0.0, d5, nd5),
linearspace(d5, d5+d2, 2),
linearspace(d5+d2, d1, nd5)
ys = collect(linearspace(0.0, d4, nd5))

fens1, fes1 = T3blockx(xs, ys); # Mesh
for r in 1:nref
fens1, fes1 = T3refine(fens1, fes1)
@show count(fens1), count(fes1)

ys = collect(linearspace(d4, d3, nd5*2))

fens2, fes2 = T3blockx(xs, ys); # Mesh
for r in 1:nref
fens2, fes2 = T3refine(fens2, fes2)
@show count(fens2), count(fes2)

fens, fes1, fes2 = mergemeshes(fens1, fes1, fens2, fes2, 0.0)
fes = cat(fes1, fes2)
@show count(fens), count(fes)

offset = max(d5 / 4 / nref / 10, 2*tolerance)
l1 = selectnode(fens; box = [0 d5+offset d4 d4], inflate = tolerance)
l2 = selectnode(fens; box = [d5+d2-offset d1 d4 d4], inflate = tolerance) = xyz3(fens)

candidates = vcat(l1, l2)
fens, fes = mergenodes(fens, fes, tolerance, candidates)
bfes = meshboundary(fes)
@info "Mesh $(count(fens)) nodes, $(count(fes)) elements"

@show count(fens)
vtkwrite("plate_with_crack.vtu", fens, fes)
vtkwrite("plate_with_crack-boundary.vtu", fens, bfes)

# Renumber the nodes
femm = FEMMBase(IntegDomain(fes, TriRule(1)))
C = connectionmatrix(femm, count(fens))
perm = symrcm(C)

mater = MatDeforElastIso(DeforModelRed3D, rho, E, nu, 0.0)

sfes = FESetShellT3()
accepttodelegate(fes, sfes)
femm = FEMMShellT3FFModule.make(IntegDomain(fes, TriRule(1), thickness), mater)
# Set up
femm.drilling_stiffness_scale = 1.0

# Construct the requisite fields, geometry and displacement
# Initialize configuration variables
geom0 = NodalField(
u0 = NodalField(zeros(size(,1), 3))
Rfield0 = initial_Rfield(fens)
dchi = NodalField(zeros(size(,1), 6))

# No EBC's
numberdofs!(dchi, perm);
# numberdofs!(dchi);

# Assemble the system matrix
FEMMShellT3FFModule.associategeometry!(femm, geom0)

K = FEMMShellT3FFModule.stiffness(femm, geom0, u0, Rfield0, dchi);
M = FEMMShellT3FFModule.mass(femm, SysmatAssemblerSparseDiag(), geom0, dchi);

K_ff = matrix_blocked(K, nfreedofs(dchi), nfreedofs(dchi))[:ff]
M_ff = matrix_blocked(M, nfreedofs(dchi), nfreedofs(dchi))[:ff]

K_ff = SparseMatricesCSR.sparsecsr(findnz(K_ff)..., size(K_ff)...)

# Solve
@time omega_max = pwr_largest(K_ff, M_ff)
@show omega_max = max(omega_max, 20*2*pi*carrier_frequency)
@show dt = Float64(0.9* 2/omega_max) * (sqrt(1+ksi^2) - ksi)

U0 = gathersysvec(dchi)
V0 = deepcopy(U0)

mpoint = selectnode(fens; nearestto=[d1/2 0 0.0])[1]
cpoint = selectnode(fens; nearestto=[d1/2 d3 0])[1]

mpointdof = dchi.dofnums[mpoint, 3]
cpointdof = dchi.dofnums[cpoint, 3]

# Four cycles of the carrier frequency

function computetrac!(forceout, XYZ, tangents, feid, qpid)
dx = XYZ[1] -[mpoint, 1]
dy = XYZ[2] -[mpoint, 2]
dz = XYZ[3] -[mpoint, 3]
forceout[1:2] .= 0.0
forceout[3] = forcedensity*exp(-20*sqrt(dx^2+dy^2+dz^2)/forcepatchradius)
forceout[4:6] .= 0.0
return forceout

# Sinusoidal loading on the surface of the shell
lfemm = FEMMBase(IntegDomain(fes, TriRule(3)))
fi = ForceIntensity(Float64, 6, computetrac!);
Fmag = distribloads(lfemm, geom0, dchi, fi, 2);
Fmag = vector_blocked(Fmag, nfreedofs(dchi))[:f]

function force!(F, t)
mul = 0.0
if t <= 4/carrier_frequency
mul = 0.5 * (1 - cos(2*pi*modulation_frequency*t)) * sin(2*pi*carrier_frequency*t)
F .= mul .* Fmag
return F

nsteps = Int(round(tend/dt))
cdeflections = fill(0.0, nsteps+1)
mdeflections = fill(0.0, nsteps+1)
displacements = []
nbtw = Int(round(nsteps/100))

peek(step, U, t) = begin
cdeflections[step+1] = U[cpointdof]
mdeflections[step+1] = U[mpointdof]
if rem(step+1, nbtw) == 0
push!(displacements, deepcopy(U))

@info "$nsteps steps"
parloop_csr!(M_ff, K_ff, ksi, U0, V0, nsteps*dt, dt, force!, peek, nthr)

if visualize
# @gp "set terminal windows 0 " :-
# @gp "clear"
@gp :- collect(0.0:dt:(nsteps*dt)) cdeflections " lw 2 lc rgb '$color' with lines title 'Deflection at the center' " :-
@gp :- collect(0.0:dt:(nsteps*dt)) mdeflections " lw 4 lc rgb '$color' with lines title 'Deflection at the source' " :-
@gp :- "set xlabel 'Time'" :-
@gp :- "set ylabel 'Deflection'" :-
@gp :- "set title 'Free-floating plate'"

# Visualization
@info "Dumping visualization"
times = Float64[]
vectors = []
for i in eachindex(displacements)
scattersysvec!(dchi, displacements[i])
push!(vectors, ("U", deepcopy(dchi.values[:, 1:3])))
push!(times, i*dt*nbtw)
vtkwritecollection("plate_with_crack_$nref", fens, fes, times; vectors = vectors)

function test_parallel_csr(nrefs = [4], nthr = 0, color = "red")
@info "Cracked Plate, nrefs = $nrefs: parallel CSR"
for nref in nrefs
_execute_parallel_csr(nref, nthr, color)
return true

function allrun(nrefs = [4], nthr = 0)
println("# test_parallel_csr ")
test_parallel_csr(nrefs, nthr, "blue")
return true
end # function allrun

@info "All examples may be executed with "
println("using .$(@__MODULE__); $(@__MODULE__).allrun()")

end # module
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