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After years of modelling, improving and adding suggestions, this is what bankplus became today, the best bank plugin on the market ever made, full of features, fully customizable with the most efficient code possible.


Support will be only given on discord. Do not use the review section to report bugs, ask questions or leave suggestions.

Plugin requirements

  1. Vault (Economy Hook)
  2. Economy Plugin (For example EssentialsX or one of the listed plugins on the Vault page)

Without these 2 requirements, BankPlus won't start.

Plugin optional requirements

  1. PlaceholderAPI (Displays placeholders in the gui and shows BankPlus placeholders)


  • Built-in GUI system.
  • Unlimited amount of banks.
  • MySQL support.
  • GUI with custom heads & custom model data items support.
  • Interest system, both online and offline.
  • Actions followed by sound effects.
  • Various ways to deposit / withdraw money.
  • BankTop fully customizable.
  • Bank upgrades with cost and custom items.
  • Transtaction taxes.
  • Loan system with debts.
  • Efficient code, every resource is used with efficiecy and lightweight in mind.
  • Complete wiki.
  • Much much more..
  • If you want to test the plugin, you can join on our test server that is hosted thanks to jainagam3r45's JiferCraft studios!

Make sure to check the wiki!

Plugin Gallery


Bank gui fully costumizable image

Bank upgrades image

Various ways to deposit / withdraw image image

Online and offline interest image image

And many other features that you will discover only using the plugin!

