Logi Options Plus Mini 是一个精简版的Logi Options Plus,它只保留了对键盘和鼠标的支持,使得罗技键盘和鼠标的使用更加高效。
参考官方Logitech Options 软件的批量安装和配置
此项目通过一个Shell脚本 logi-options-plus-mini.command
- 仅保留键盘和鼠标功能
- 卸载升级时自动保留配置
- 去除无关功能,提升软件性能
- analytics 用户分享应用程序使用情况和诊断数据
- flow
- sso 用户登录应用程序的功能
- update 应用程序更新
- dfu 设备固件更新
- logivoice 罗技语音功能
- aipromptbuilder AI Prompt Builder 功能(仅限macOS)
- smartactions
- device-recommendation 设备推荐功能(仅限macOS)
- 易于使用的Shell脚本
- 可修改shell文件中安装选项,添加需要的功能
git clone https://github.com/Qetesh/logi-options-plus-mini.git cd logi-options-plus-mini
chmod u+x logi-options-plus-mini.command ./logi-options-plus-mini.command ############################################################## 2024年12月15日 星期日 23时32分33秒 +08 | Starting install of Logi Options+ ############################################################## Please select the features you want to keep: 1. analytics: Shows or hides choice for users to opt in to share app usage and diagnostics data. 2. flow: Shows or hides the Flow feature. Default value is Yes 3. sso: Shows or hides ability for users to sign into the app. 4. update: Enables or disables app updates. 5. dfu: Enables or disables device firmware updates. 6. backlight: Enables or disables keyboard backlight on the supported keyboards. 7. logivoice: Enables or disables LogiVoice feature. 8. aipromptbuilder: Enables or disables AI Prompt Builder feature. 9. device-recommendation: Enables or disables device recommendation feature. 10. smartactions: Enables or disables Smart Actions feature. 11. all Press enter for none Enter your choices(e.g. 2 6, default is none):
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
############################################################## 12/17/2024 19:50:23 | Starting install of Logi Options+ ############################################################## 12/17/2024 19:50:24 | Downloading Logi Options+ Installer... 12/17/2024 19:51:06 | Download completed successfully. 12/17/2024 19:51:06 | Uninstalling existing version of Logi Options+... Please select the features you want to keep: 1. analytics: Shows or hides choice for users to opt in to share app usage and diagnostics data. 2. flow: Shows or hides the Flow feature. Default value is Yes 3. sso: Shows or hides ability for users to sign into the app. 4. update: Enables or disables app updates. 5. dfu: Enables or disables device firmware updates. 6. backlight: Enables or disables keyboard backlight on the supported keyboards. 7. logivoice: Enables or disables LogiVoice feature. 8. aipromptbuilder: Enables or disables AI Prompt Builder feature. 9. device-recommendation: Enables or disables device recommendation feature. 10. smartactions: Enables or disables Smart Actions feature. 11. all Press enter for none Enter your choices(e.g. 2 6, default is none):
- macOS
- Windows
- 网络连接以下载官方安装包
- 部分Mac无法使用官方方式卸载,需使用第三方工具卸载后重新运行。已测试使用
- Fork 此仓库
- 创建您的分支 (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - 提交您的更改 (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - 推送到分支 (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - 打开一个Pull Request
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