This app intended to facilitate image coordination between various AI image generators, as well as a site builder store such as SquareSpace. This is a living project and we're not 100% sure of its direction, but the motivation came from me wanting to set up a squarespace store to sell products that featured artwork I'd created using Dall-E. From there, its anyone's guess. But Im' sure we can make something interesting out of it 🛩️
Used solely for fulfilling dependencies of the project.
This can mean RubyGems, npm packages, Homebrew packages, Ruby versions, Git submodules, etc.
Used to set up a project in an initial state. This is typically run after an initial clone, or, to reset the project back to its initial state.
Used to update the project after a fresh pull.
If you have not worked on the project for a while, running script/update after a pull will ensure that everything inside the project is up to date and ready to work.
Used to start the application.
Used to run the test suite of the application.
Used to build the app on the CI server
Run the following in a shell session in the root directory of the project
npm run setup
In a unix shell, run:
openssl rand -base64 32
npm i -g node-jose-tools
jose newkey -s 512 -t oct -a HS512