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pjr1060 edited this page Sep 16, 2016 · 4 revisions

Peter Rodgers

I am the architect of NetKernel and the originator of Resource Oriented Computing (ROC).

I started my research into ROC at Hewlett Packard Labs in the late 90's. When trying to build very large scale software solutions, I discovered that with traditional software I could afford to "build-one" but the long-tail cost of software dwarves the headline costs. Before REST was a thing I started thinking seriously about the Web as an abstraction for general software with the aim that the economics of the Web could be introduced to any software solution.

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Possible Topics for Talks

Resource Oriented Microservices

From an engineering and operations perspective breaking down systems into microservices is a win - all we have to do is spin up containers.

But what about when the complexity of the business system isn't simple? What about systems where we need to aggregate and combine services to deliver useful business functions that cut across more than one simple service?

Event-driven, push-based message passing is often a fundamentally flawed architecture for complex business problems.

In this talk we could consider a resource-oriented view of microservices. We can discuss the trade offs between push and pull architectures. What lessons the Web's resource oriented architecture offers for complex composite services.

Why JSON APIs suck

In these days of micro-services we're presented with finer and finer grained data resources. A lot of these are represented as JSON.

In this talk we could explore the fundamentals that need to be considered when choosing a data format. Why this has deep implications for APIs and what making the right choice does for real world systems in the age of micro-services.

We will also consider how the choice of data format has a profound influence on the composability of microservice solutions.

What is REST and what lies beyond?

My background is in quantum mechanics. When I first saw the Web in the early 90's it immediately resonated. It is a Hilbert space of potential reified states. I'd be happy to explain how an understanding of the principles and philosophical insights of QM can inform our understanding of REST.

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