Discord Bot with many utilities like base64/hex de-/encode and string hashing
Does need manage role perms. Its requesting admin though just for future commands. click here
Make a pull Request!
Use JDK 17!!
- Clone the repo with intellij
- let it build the gradle stuff and maybe you gotta reload gradle
- add a secrets.xml file with 5 tags TOKEN, DB_DB and DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PW in the root dir of the project
- make the db with the script in ./SQL
- code
- go to Base.Bot and at onReady() where the slashCommandManager is replace null with ur guildID
- build it with the shadowjar task
- test the code
- replace your guildID from step 5 with null
- submit a pull request and dont publish ur secrets.xml
- enjoy
- ReisMiner - Founder and Dev
- Yathy77 - Dev