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Ai Colour Generator

This is a fun AI web application. Find the perfect colour palette for your next project using the power of Ai.

App built using : Backend in Node Express.js, Frontend in HTML, CSS and Vanilla Javasript.

Ai model changed from GPT-3 model: text-davinci-003 to gpt-3.5-turbo due to costs.gpt-3.5-turbo is 10 times cheaper, faster and newer. Only drawback is that gpt-3.5-turbo uses the "chat API endpoint" which is a bit more inconvenient than the "completion endpoint".

Input any colour palette you have in mind and get back Colors that matches the mood and feeling of your input.

Try it now online

Try it now online (please allow for ~30 sec loading time):

CLICK the colour to copy the Hexadecimal colour code to your clipboard.


The accuracy of chatGPT leaves something to be desired at times. Please allow for a couple tries if searching for something specific. Results may vary.


Running Locally: Prerequisites

Please make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine and Git version control system to run project locally.

Please make sure you have an OpenAI user account and access to your API key.

Cloning the Repository

To clone this repository to your local machine, cd to your desired directory (e.g cd Desktop).

Then run the following git clone command. This will create a folder called Ai-Colour-Generator on your specified directory.

git clone

Project Setup

Run npm install to install node dependencies

Run npm start or node app.jsto kickstart server.

In order to run the project, create a .env file, set your OPENAI_API_KEY and OPEN_AI_ORGwith a correct "connection string" to your account.

In order to avoid port collisions, port 3100 is used, feel free to change it.

Great :) Happy testing!


Frontend is HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript.

An HTTP request is sent with the userPrompt that returns an array of colors.

The colors object Hexadecimal codes are then extracted and displayed on the frontend

HTTP Requests

POST requests are received on the following endpoint

  • /palette : Where user-prompts are recieved, routed to OpenAI and responses served on the homepage

Form submissions do not reload the page but are rerouted instead.

Valid Queries

When quering, use statements instead of questions. For example:

Coral reef palette, Finnish Flag or Neon colour palette.

Error Handling

Errors are caught globally using middleware error-handler.js with the help of library express-async-errors for catching Async Errors. The library throws any async error without having to pass it to the next middleware as native Express does.

Instead of writing an Async-wrapper function with try-catch and next(), we throw the error with the help of express-async-errors to our custom error handler in error-handler.js and there do anything, for example show it on the console or return a message on the browser.

Inspired by Colt Steele.

Hobby Project maintined by Rhonnie Allan.