Music Player Application with p5.js
Microphone – Allowed the use of a microphone to used if enabled.
Beat Detection - Using beat detection by looking into Root Mean Square – which is Measuring the Amplitude to detect for changes in the beats.
Wave Patterns – Using waveform() to be able to create waves and also implementing beginShape and mapping to show the change through a period of time.
Extra Sounds – By using keycodes "a" and "s" I was able to implement extra sound to play when clicked.
Instructions - instructions button which provide the user with instructions on how to use the Music Application.
Menu - Menu which allows you to change between visuals by using arrays to store each visual in them and the use of constructor functions.
Sound Length Visuals - The user can see at which point they are in the song as I used currentTime() which gave me the current time of the sound in seconds and also duration which gave me the duration of the song and through mapping I was allowing to display this visually.