CRUD stands for :
- C => Create (Post Method)
- R => Read (Get Method)
- U => Update (Put Method)
- D => Delete (Delete Method)
- Java 21
- Spring Boot
- Spring Data
- H2 Database
- Swagger for Documentation
- Maven
- Copy link below
git clone
Open the folder and navigate backend/demo path.
With maven run these commands:
$mvn clean install
$mvn spring-boot:run
If you want to stop the application click CTRL+C in terminal.
- Spring Boot app is going to run on the http://localhost:8080/
Swagger API documentation will show at here http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html#/
If you want to use docker you should follow the steps at bellow
- Pull docker image
docker pull ronay44/todoapp
- Build Docker image
docker build -t todoapp:latest .
- Run docker with
docker run --name todoapp -d -p 8080:8080 todoapp:latest