Releases: SWM-FIRE/modoco-backend
Releases · SWM-FIRE/modoco-backend
모도코 백엔드 v1.0.0
모도코 백엔드 v1.0.0
Socket 서버
- Socket.IO Redis Adapter를 통한 Scale-Out 지원
- Redis Session에 유저 실시간 정보 저장
- WebRTC Signaling 이벤트
- Record 이벤트
- 방에 있었던 시간 기록
- Playlist Socket
- Youtube 목록 동기화 이벤트
- Room Socket
- Room Chat
- Direct Message
- Lobby Socket
- Lobby Chat
- 유저 API
- 유저 메일 인증
- 생성, 삭제, 수정, 가져오기 API
- 회원 가입
API 서버
- OAuth API
- 카카오
- 구글
- 깃허브
- 친구 API
- 가져오기, 요청, 수락, 삭제
- 방 API
- 가져오기, 생성, 삭제 API
- 메일 API
- 메일 인증
- 가입 환영 메일
- New Relic (APM)
- New Relic Agent를 위한 Elastic Beanstalk 커스터마이징
- NodeJS Agent으로 New Relic 연동
- 문서화
- Swagger
What's added
- FIRE-163 Add redis adapter by @IamGroooooot in #1
- FIRE-183 개발 be get rooms api 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #2
- FIRE-156 Add screenshare gateway by @IamGroooooot in #3
- FIRE-223 Add basic users code for API by @IamGroooooot in #4
- FIRE-231 be monogo db 공부하고 구축하기 by @IamGroooooot in #5
- FIRE-254 WebServer SSL 설정 by @IamGroooooot in #6
- FIRE-222 ORM을 사용해서 API 서버를 MongoDB에 연동 중단, Postgresql로 전환 by @IamGroooooot in #7
- FIRE-230 /users API가 db에 반영되도록 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #8
- FIRE-235 POST /rooms API 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #9
- FIRE-304 API 버전 관리 시작(URL과 Namespace 변경) by @IamGroooooot in #10
- FIRE-295 database user schema 재정의 및 마이그레이션 by @IamGroooooot in #11
- FIRE-296 Refactor user.{service, controller} by @IamGroooooot in #12
- FIRE-302 Update room schema by @IamGroooooot in #13
- FIRE-305 CreateRoomDTO 합의 및 validation 구현 by @IamGroooooot in #14
- FIRE-303 rooms API 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #15
- FIRE-319 Apply Newrelic agent interceptor by @IamGroooooot in #16
- FIRE-348 �Chat Socket 서버를 개발 완료 by @IamGroooooot in #17
- FIRE-352 Update /users API by @IamGroooooot in #18
- FIRE-336 Update video gateway by @IamGroooooot in #20
- Bump terser from 5.14.1 to 5.14.2 by @dependabot in #19
- FIRE-335 Add room current function by @IamGroooooot in #21
- FIRE-360 분리되어 있는 room과 chat socket server를 합친다 by @IamGroooooot in #22
- FIRE-396 POST + /rooms API 수정 by @IamGroooooot in #23
- FIRE-408 인원이 가득찬 방에 참가시 roomFull emit by @IamGroooooot in #24
- FIRE-426 /users API 개발 (회원가입 구현) by @IamGroooooot in #25
- FIRE-341 Update prisma schema by @IamGroooooot in #26
- FIRE-340 record time socket event 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #27
- FIRE-527 Refactor room gateway, Add dto validation by @IamGroooooot in #28
- FIRE-527 Fix candidate payload validation by @IamGroooooot in #29
- FIRE-532 Fix room current bug by @IamGroooooot in #30
- FIRE-533 Add MediaStateChange Event by @IamGroooooot in #31
- FIRE-522 Add kickUser event by @IamGroooooot in #32
- FIRE-566 kakao 로그인 strategy 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #33
- FIRE-565 GitHub 로그인 strategy 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #34
- FIRE-567 google 로그인 strategy 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #35
- FIRE-657 Create friends controller, service, model by @IamGroooooot in #36
- FIRE-494 친구 신청을 보낼 수 있다 by @IamGroooooot in #37
- FIRE-650 simple lobby socket by @071yoon in #38
- FIRE-663 서로 수락한 나의 친구 목록을 반환하는 api 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #39
- FIRE-684 Add 1:1 friendship API by @IamGroooooot in #40
- FIRE-661 내가 보거나 받은 친구 신청 내역을 반환하는 api 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #41
- FIRE-662 Add accept friend API by @IamGroooooot in #42
- FIRE-664 친구 요청 거절 api 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #43
- FIRE-710 AWS SES로 이메일 전송 및 회원가입 인증 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #44
- FIRE-741 유저 profile을 업데이트할 수 있도록 api 수정 by @IamGroooooot in #45
- FIRE-746 Add chat message type to socket by @IamGroooooot in #46
- FIRE-773 direct message 소켓 개발 by @IamGroooooot in #47
New Contributors
- @IamGroooooot made their first contribution in #1
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #19
- @071yoon made their first contribution in #38
Full Changelog: