This is a classic Tetris game implemented in JavaScript. Enjoy the timeless puzzle game on your web browser.
- Classic Tetris gameplay.
- Responsive design for various screen sizes.
- Simple and intuitive controls.
- Score tracking.
Make sure you have a modern web browser that supports HTML5 and JavaScript.
- Clone the repository or download the ZIP file.
- Open
in your web browser.
- The game starts with an empty grid.
- Move and rotate the falling tetromino using the controls (see Controls section).
- The goal is to complete rows by filling them completely with tetromino blocks.
- When a row is completed, it disappears, and you earn points.
- The game ends when the blocks reach the top of the grid.
- Left Arrow: Move tetromino left.
- Right Arrow: Move tetromino right.
- Down Arrow: Move tetromino down faster.
- Up Arrow: Rotate tetromino.
- Clear one row: +10 points
- Clear two rows: +30 points
- Clear three rows: +60 points
- Clear four rows (Tetris): +100 points
Contributions are welcome. Feel free to open issues, fork the repository, and submit pull requests to help improve the game.
Thank you to Ania Kubow for her tutorial to help create this game :)