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Terraform AWS S3 access log roller module

pytest workflow


When server access logging is enabled for a frequently accessed bucket, a large number of log files are generated per day. Due to the small size and large quantity of these files, it is not suitable to transition them into "cheaper" storage classes like Standard-IA or Glacier.

The module deploys a serverless app to reduce the storage cost of these access log files by compressing multiple files into one tarball. Compressed files are ~8% of original size, and have larger size and smaller quantity, making them eligible for cheaper storage classes and save even more costs.


The app is designed to run in a multi-account setup. The app assumes IAM roles in other accounts to read/write S3 buckets. The producer lists files from buckets and put tasks into an SQS queue, and the queue invokes workers to do the tasks.

It is suggested to run a copy of app in each region, as S3 charges for inter-region traffic.



module "s3-access-log-roller" {
  source = "Samsung/s3-rollup/aws"

  slug = "us-west-2"

  maximum_concurrency = 10
  memory_size         = 1024

  # Allow the app to assume these roles
  s3_access_roles = [
    "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/s3-rollup-bucket-access", # dev
    "arn:aws:iam::222222222222:role/s3-rollup-bucket-access", # staging
    "arn:aws:iam::333333333333:role/s3-rollup-bucket-access", # prod

  # Run the app daily
  enable_eventbridge_schedule = true
  eventbridge_invocation_payload = {
    dev = jsonencode({
      s3_role = "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/s3-rollup-bucket-access"
      prefixes = [
    staging = jsonencode({
      s3_role = "arn:aws:iam::222222222222:role/s3-rollup-bucket-access"
      prefixes = [
    prod = jsonencode({
      s3_role = "arn:aws:iam::333333333333:role/s3-rollup-bucket-access"
      prefixes = [

If there are already a large number of files in the logging buckets, it is suggested to set enable_eventbridge_schedule = false and run the producer manually to process all the existing files first, as Lambda has a maximum timeout of 15 minutes. After the backlog is cleared, enable EventBridge to run the app daily.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0
archive >= 2.0
aws >= 4.0


Name Version
archive >= 2.0
aws >= 4.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_iam_role.main resource
aws_iam_role_policy.main resource
aws_lambda_event_source_mapping.main resource
aws_lambda_function.main resource
aws_scheduler_schedule.main resource
aws_sqs_queue.dlq resource
aws_sqs_queue.main resource
archive_file.lambda data source
aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role data source
aws_iam_policy_document.main data source
aws_region.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
enable_eventbridge_schedule If true, producer Lambda scans S3 prefixes every day to make tasks. bool true no
ephemeral_storage_size Lambda function ephemeral storage size in MiB. number 10240 no
eventbridge_invocation_payload Map of account alias => JSON payload to pass to Lambda function by EventBridge. map(string) {} no
maximum_concurrency How many Lambda function instances can be launched concurrently by SQS. number 10 no
memory_size Lambda function memory size in MiB. number 1024 no
runtime Labmda function runtime. See: string "python3.8" no
s3_access_roles ARNs of IAM roles that the function assume to read/write S3 buckets. These child roles can only be created after the parent role is created. list(string) n/a yes
security_group_ids IDs of security groups to attach to Lambda function. Only valid if var.subnet_ids is not null. list(string) null no
slug Used for naming resources. string n/a yes
sqs_message_retention_seconds How long the message stays in queue before being purged. number 1209600 no
sqs_visibility_timeout How long the message stays invisible when it has been received. Must be greater than Lambda timeout. number 900 no
subnet_ids IDs of subnets to run Lambda function in. If null, Lambda runs in Amazon-managed VPC. list(string) null no
timeout Lambda function timeout in seconds. number 600 no


Name Description
iam_role_arn IAM role ARN of the app. This is needed for setting up bucket access roles.


The module is maintained by Zhuoyun Wei from Samsung Research Canada.