A simplified command-line utility that provides a simple way to learn and practice Git commands. It allows you to execute Git commands, explain their functionality, and even download a Git cheat sheet for reference.
- init: Creates an empty Git repository or reinitializes an existing one.
- add: Adds file contents to the index (staging area) for commit.
- commit: Records changes to the repository with a commit message.
- log: Shows commit logs.
- config: Sets the author name and email address to be used with your commits.
- clone: Makes a copy of a repository from an existing URL, creating a local copy.
- status: Displays the state of the working directory and the staging area.
- push: Uploads local repository content to a remote repository.
- pull: Receives data from GitHub, fetching and merging changes from the remote server to your working directory.
- branch: Lists all the branches available in the repository.
- merge: Merges the specified branch's history into the current branch.
- remote: Connects the local repository to a remote server, allowing users to create, view, and delete connections to other repositories.
Contributing Contributions to this project are welcome! If you find any issues, have suggestions, or would like to add new features, feel free to submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the code for your personal or commercial projects.