This project is an interpreter for a basic esoteric programming language (esolang) written in Python. The interpreter can read and execute code written in this esolang, which supports basic arithmetic operations, variable assignments, control flow statements like if
, for
, and while
loops, and print statements.
Basic Esolang Interpreter
├── # Main entry point for the interpreter
├── # Handles tokenizing the source code
├── # Parses tokens into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
├── # Executes the code by interpreting the AST
├── # Shared utility functions and classes
├── grammar.txt # Defines the esolang grammar and syntax rules
├── examples
│ ├── fibonacci.txt # Example program to calculate Fibonacci sequence
└── # Project documentation
- Supported Constructs:
- Arithmetic and logical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, and, or, not).
- Variable assignments.
- Control flow statements (
, andwhile
loops). - Print statements.
The grammar of the esolang is defined in grammar.txt
. Here is an overview:
program : statements
statements : NEWLINE* (expr NEWLINE*)*
expr : identifier (EQUALS expr)?
comp-expr ((AND|OR) comp-expr)*
comp-expr : NOT comp-expr ? arith-expr ((ISE|NE|LT|GT|LTE|GTE) arit-expr)*
arith-expr : term ((PLUS|MINUS) term)*
term : power ((MUL|DIV) power)*
power : factor (POW factor)*
factor : INT|FLOAT|(expr)|identifier|if-block|for-block|while-block
if-block : if expr then statements (else statements)? end
for-block : for identifier EQUALS expr to expr (step expr)? do statements end
while-block : while expr do statements end
The following example program calculates the Fibonacci sequence up to the 10th number:
fib_n_2 = 0
fib_n_1 = 1
for n = 0 to 10 do
if n == 0 then
print("Fibonacci number ", n, " is ", 0)
if n == 1 then
print("Fibonacci number ", n, " is ", 1)
fib_n = fib_n_1 + fib_n_2
fib_n_2 = fib_n_1
fib_n_1 = fib_n
print("Fibonacci number ", n, " is ", fib_n)
The interpreter includes robust error handling for various stages of code execution:
- Lexer Errors: Identifies invalid tokens in the source code.
1 + (2*3)@
1 + (2*3)@ ^^ Syntax Error: Invalid Syntax line 1, column 10
- Parser Errors: Reports syntax errors.
if 5 > 2 do print(a) end
if 5 > 2 do print(a) end ^^ Syntax Error: Invalid Syntax line 1, column 10
- Runtime Errors: Handles issues such as division by zero, undefined variables or type errors.
1 + 'string'
1 + 'string' ^^ Runtime Error: Invalid operator '+' for 'INT' and 'STRING' line 1, column 3
To execute the interpreter, use the following command:
python3 [file]
- REPL Mode: If no file is provided, the interpreter will run in interactive mode, allowing you to enter and execute code interactively.
- Script Mode: If a file is provided, the interpreter will execute the code contained in the file.
- Add support for functions and user-defined procedures.
- Implement enhanced debugging features.
- Extend the language with additional built-in functions and data structures.
Happy Coding!!