An application that syncs your NCKU Moodle assignments' info, deadline and submission status to Google Calendar.
將你 NCKU Moodle 上的作業內容、截止日期、繳交狀態同步至 Google 行事曆。
Step 1.
Download Moodle Calendar extension from Chrome Web Store (Unavailable yet, pending Google's verification)
從 Chrome 線上應用程式商店 下載 Moodle Calendar 擴充功能(尚無法下載,正等待通過 Google 驗證)
Step 2.
Login NCKU Moodle
登入 NCKU Moodle \
Step 3.
Open the extention & click "Bind Account"
Step 4.
After binding account, go back to Moodle and click "Sync".
綁定帳號後,回到 Moodle 並點選「同步」。
Step 5.
After a few seconds, assignments will show up in your Google Calendar. Clicking it will show the information of that assignment
Green: Submitted, Red: Not Submitted, Gray: Does not require submission
等待幾秒後,作業內容便會顯示在你的 Google 行事曆上。點開來可以看到完整內容。