Fake Social Project is part of my UNI thesis about comparing Android development with Java versus Android development with Kotlin.
Project is separated into multiple modules.
GitCompare is used to compare languages used on Github.
- GitCompare (HERE)
BuildCompare is used to compare build durations.
- BuildCompare (HERE)
AppiumCompare is used to compare applications.
This is a Anko version of Fake Social. Application is using services (randomuser.me) and (watchout4snakes.com) to create fake profiles and contents.
Application is comprised of 7 core mobile screen archetypes:
- Login (Sign Up)
- Register (Sign Up)
- Stream (Content)
- Detail
- Creation (Creator)
- Profile
- Settings
- Kotlin 1.3.30
- Anko 0.10.3
- Gradle Build Tools 3.4.0
- Android Build Tools 28.0.0
- Android Support 28.0.0
- Android Constraint Layout 1.1.3
- Page Indicator View 1.0.2
- Retrofit 2.5.0
- Picasso 2.5.2
- Picasso Transformations 2.2.1