This is a simple project that we at SlingNode to pre-build Vagrant image. The resulting box has all the software dependencies installed and Docker images for all supported Ethereum clients saved locally. The Docker image versions match the current latest tag of the slingnode.ethereum role.
We do a lot of testing when we develop or modify our roles. We use Molecule for testing Ansible. You can read more about our testing practices here.
Each test means installing all dependencies and pulling required Docker images. This adds to many gigabytes of data and takes time. Our full test suite takes around an hour to run. With the pre-packaged boc we brought it down to minutes.
We use Libvirt as provider for Vagrant. The Vagrantfile has libvirt specific settings. If you wanted to build this for Virtualbox you need to comment out the following section:
config.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt|
libvirt.driver = "kvm"
libvirt.graphics_type = "none"
libvirt.cpu_mode = "host-passthrough"
libvirt.memory = 8096
libvirt.cpus = 3
You need the following dependencies installed on your local machine:
sudo apt install guestfs-tools
Vagrant plugins are installed in a user context. The package step needs to be executed as root and by default root does not have vagrant-libvirt plugin installed. To install it:
sudo vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
git clone [email protected]:SlingNode/vagrant_box.git
cd vagrant_box
NOTE: The script will prompt for sudo password during execution. This is required for vagrant package to succeed.
Once the script has finished. You will have a local box available. By default the box name is: slingnode/ubuntu2204. If you wanted to change the name edit the line in the
vagrant box add --force --name slingnode/ubuntu2204
You can use this box like you would use any other Vagrant box.
To use custom box with SlingNode Molecule test suite set the following environment variable:
You can either export it in your shell or pass explicitly as show below
SLINGNODE_BOX=slingnode/ubuntu2204 molecule test
We use the "generic/ubuntu2204" source box. If you want to use a different one, edit the following variable in the Vagrantfile.
source_box = "generic/ubuntu2204"
If you have any questions join our Discord server or log a GitHub issue.