Spec, write out the requirements
-Player and the Dealer (computer) -Deck, ability to shuffle -Deal a hand, take a card from the deck deal it to the dealer, then the player etc. -Card can be face down or up -Ace can have value of 1 or 11 -Stand, Hit (meaning take a card) -Dealer has no option but to hit if less than 17 -21/Blackjack, player cannot hit anymore and their turn ends
Classes - Card, Deck, Hand
- Suit ( Heart, Clubs, Diamond, Spades) - Rank ( 1 - 11 ) - Show SUITS = ['Spades', 'Hearts', 'Clubs', 'Diamonds'] RANKS = ['2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', 'Jack', 'Queen', 'King', 'Ace'] Card = Suit, Rank, Display of card, and show/hide
- 52 cards - shuffle - suits, ranks - deck - deal_card - replace_with Deck of cards - Suits, ranks - Loop over the Suites - for each suit, fill in rank of the card
- Card dealt to dealer or player - gives us the cards dealt - dealt card array - method to add cards to this array - total value of player's or dealer's dealt cards - showing the details of each card dealt and the total value - Ace can have value of 1 or 11 * Create two cards, add them to the hand, verify a few things * Hand Values - Calculates value of hand - All face cards have value of 10 (Jack, Queen, King) - All number cards have value or rank - Ace equals 1 or 11
Blackjack Blackjack.rb
- player_hand - dealer_hand - playing - whether the game is on or not - current_gamer - deck - handle the cards - deal - to deal the cards to the player or the dealer - hit - player has option to take a card "Hitting" - stand - player has the option to close out their hand "Stand" - show_hands - to report the hands of the player and the dealer - set_results - to set the results of the game * Hit - Player's turn - Player already has two cards, and chooses to receive another card (or more) * Stand - When player stands => It's the dealer's turn to play - Player takes no more cards, (if they stand in the beginning, dealer's card is face up)