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attipaci committed Feb 17, 2024
1 parent beaa826 commit f47ef96
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Showing 69 changed files with 2,594 additions and 1,927 deletions.
201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
# Changelog

## [Unreleased]

Changes expected for the 1.0.0 production release only...

### Added

- Add test for `cio_array()`

- Add debug mode, which can be activated via `novas_debug(1)`. When debug mode is enabled, all errors are printed to
the console with a trace (the trace does not contain line numbers but provides information on the functions and
locations within them where the error occurred.

- Add tests for all SuperNOVAS only functions

- Set up release workflow on GitHub

### Changed

- Nutation angles to use cubic-spline interpolation to speed up nutation calculation when repeatedly needing it for
times that are close together (e.g. a within a day but TDB)

## [0.9.0] - 2024-03-01

This is a preview release before 1.0 comes out officially a little later. It allows us to change our minds on some of
the choices we made for SuperNOVAS in case there is some compelling reason why they should be done differently. Once
we proceed to 1.0, we'll stick to these choices. So this is the last chance to correct anything that may not be quite
right from a design perspective.

### Fixed

- Fixed the [sidereal_time bug](, whereby the `sidereal_time()`
function had an incorrect unit cast. This is a known issue of NOVAS C 3.1.

- Fixed the [ephem_close bug](, whereby `ephem_close()` in
`ephem_manager.c` did not reset the `EPHFILE` pointer to NULL. This is a known issue of NOVAS C 3.1.

- Fixed antedating velocities and distances for light travel time in `ephemeris()`. When getting positions and
velocities for Solar-system sources, it is important to use the values from the time light originated from the
observed body rather than at the time that light arrives to the observer. This correction was done properly for
positions, but not for velocities or distances, resulting in incorrect observed radial velocities or apparent
distances being reported for spectroscopic observations or for angular-physical size conversions.

- Fixed bug in `ira_equinox()` which may return the result for the wrong type of equinox (mean vs. true) if the the
`equinox` argument was changing from 1 to 0, and back to 1 again with the date being held the same. This affected
routines downstream also, such as `sidereal_time()`.

- Fixed accuracy switch bug in `cio_basis()`, `cio_location()`, `ecl2equ`, `equ2ecl_vec()`, `ecl2equ_vec()`,
`geo_posvel()`, `place()`, and `sidereal_time()`. All these functions returned a cached value for the other
accuracy if the other input parameters are the same as a prior call, except the accuracy.

- Fixed multiple bugs in using cached values in `cio_basis()` with alternating CIO location reference systems.

- Fixed bug in `equ2ecl_vec()` and `ecl2equ_vec()` whereby a query with `coord_sys = 2` (GCRS) has overwritten the
cached mean obliquity value for `coord_sys = 0` (mean equinox of date). As a result, a subsequent call with
`coord_sys = 0` and the same date as before would return the results GCRS coordinates instead of the
requested mean equinox of date coordinates.

- The use of `fmod()` in NOVAS C 3.1 led to the wrong results when the numerator was negative and the result was
not turned into a proper remainder. This affected the calculation of the mean anomaly in `solsys3.c` (line 261)
and the fundamental arguments calculted in `fund_args()` and `ee_ct()` for dates prior to J2000. Less
critically, it also was the reason `cal_date()` did not work for negative JD values.

### Added

- Added Doxygen markup of source code and header.

- Added Makefile for GNU make.

- Added continuous integration on GitHub, including regression testing, static analysis, and doxygen validation.

- Added an number of precompiler constants and enums in `novas.h` to promote consistent usage and easier to read

- Runtime configurability:

* The planet position calculator function used by `ephemeris` can be set at runtime via `set_planet_provider()`, and
`set_planet_provider_hp` (for high precision calculations). Similarly, if `planet_ephem_provider()` or
`planet_ephem_provider_hp()` (defined in `solsys-ephem.c`) are set as the planet calculator functions, then
`set_ephem_provider()` can set the user-specified function to use with these to actually read ephemeris data
(e.g. from a JPL ephemeris file).

* If CIO locations vs GSRS are important to the user, the user may call `cio_set_locator_file()` at runtime to
specify the location of the binary CIO interpolation table (e.g. `cio_ra.bin`) to use, even if the library was
compiled with the different default CIO locator path.

* The default low-precision nutation calculator `nu2000k()` can be replaced by another suitable IAU 2006 nutation
approximation via `nutation_set_lp_provider()`. For example, the user may want to use the `iau2000b()` model
instead or some custom algorithm instead.

- New intutitive XYZ coordinate coversion functions:
* for GCRS - CIRS - ITRS (IAU 2000 standard): `gcrs_to_cirs()`, `cirs_to_itrs()`, and `itrs_to_cirs()`,
* for J2000 - TOD - ITRS (old methodology): `j2000_to_tod()`, `tod_to_itrs()`, and `itrs_to_tod()`,

- New `itrs_to_hor()` and `hor_to_itrs()` functiona to convert ITRS coordinates to astrometric azimuth and elevation
or going back. Whereas `tod_to_itrs()` followed by `itrs_to_hor()` is effectively a just a more explicit version
of the existing `equ2hor()` for converting from TOD to to local horizontal (old methodology), the `cirs_to_itrs()`
followed by `itrs_to_hor()` does the same from CIRS (new IAU standard methodology), and had no equivalent in NOVAS
C 3.1.

- New celestial coordinate conversion functions to go between GCRS, dynamical CIRS or TOD, and Earth-fixed ITRS
coordinate systems.

- New `gal2equ()` for converting galactic coordinates to ICRS equatorial, complementing existing `equ2gal()`.

- New `refract_astro()` function that complements the existing `refract()` but takes an unrefracted (astrometric)
zenith angle as its argument.

- New convenience functions to wrap `place()` for simpler specific use: `place_star()`, `place_icrs()`,
`place_gcrs()`, `place_cirs()`, `place_tod()`.

- New `radec_star()` and `radec_planet()` methods as the common point for all existing methods sych as `astro_star()`
`local_star()`, `topo_planet()` etc.

- New time conversion utilities `tt2tdb()` and `get_ut1_to_tt()` make it simpler to convert between UT1, TT, and TDB
time scales, and to supply `ut1_to_tt` arguments to `place()` or topocentric calculations.

- Co-existing `solarsystem()` variants. It is possible to use the different `solarsystem()` implementations
provided by `solsys1.c`, `solsys2.c`, `solsys3.c` and/or `solsys-ephem.c` side-by-side, as they define their
functionalities with distinct, non-conflicting names, e.g. `earth_sun_calc()` vs `planet_jplint()` vs
`planet_ephem_manager()` vs `planet_ephem_provider()`. See the section on [Building and installation](#installation)
further above on including a selection of these in your library build.)

- New `novas_case_sensitive(int)` method to enable (or disable) case-sensitive processing of object names. (By
default NOVAS object names were converted to upper-case, making them effectively case-insensitive.)

### Changed

- SuperNOVAS functions take `enum`s as their option arguments instead of raw integers. These enums are defined in
`novas.h`. The same header also defines a number of useful constants. The enums allow for some compiler checking,
and make for more readable code that is easier to debug. They also make it easy to see what choices are available
for each function argument, without having to consult the documentation each and every time.

- All SuperNOVAS functions check for the basic validity of the supplied arguments (Such as NULL pointers or illegal
duplicate arguments) and will return -1 (with `errno` set, usually to `EINVAL`) if the arguments supplied are
invalid (unless the NOVAS C API already defined a different return value for specific cases. If so, the NOVAS C
error code is returned for compatibility).

- All erroneous returns now set `errno` so that users can track the source of the error in the standard C way and
use functions such as `perror()` ans `strerror()` to print human-readable error messages.

- Output values supplied via pointers are set to clearly invalid values in case of erroneous returns, such as
`NAN` so that even if the caller forgets to check the error code, it becomes obvious that the values returned are
should not be used as if they were valid

- Many SuperNOVAS functions allow `NULL` arguments, both for optional input values as well as outputs that are not
required. See the [API Documentation]( for specifics).
This eliminates the need to declare dummy variables in your application code.

- All SuperNOVAS functions that take an input vector to produce an output vector allow the output vector argument
be the same as the input vector argument. For example, `frame_time(pos, J2000_TO_ICRS, pos)` using the same
`pos` vector both as the input and the output. In this case the `pos` vector is modified in place by the call.
This can greatly simplify usage, and eliminate extraneous declarations, when intermediates are not required.

- SuperNOVAS prototypes declare function pointer arguments as `const` whenever the function does not modify the
data content being pointed at. This supports better programming practices that generally aim to avoid unintended
data modifications.

- Source names and catalog names can both be up to 64 bytes (including termination), up from 51 and 4 respectively
NOVAS C, while keeping `struct` layouts the same thanks to alignment.

### Deprecated

- `novascon.h` / `novascon.c`: These definitions of constants was troublesome fow two reasons: (1) They were
primarily meant for use internally within the library itself. As the library clearly defines in what units input
and output quantities are expressed, the user code can apply its own appropriate conversions that need not match
the internal system used by the library. Hence exposing these constants to users was half baked. (2) The naming of
constants was too simplistic (with names such as `C` or `F`) that it was rather prone to naming conflicts in user
code. As a result, the constants have been moved to novas.h with more unique names (such as `NOVAS_C` and
`NOVAS_EARTH_FLATTENING`. New code should rely on these definitions instead of the troubled constants of
`novascon.c` / `.h` if at all necessary.

- `equ2hor()`: It's name does not make it clear that this function is suitable only for converting TOD (old
methodology) to horizontal but not CIRS to horizontal (IAU 2000 standard). You should use the equivalent but more
specific `tod_to_itrs()`, or else the newly added `cirs_to_itrs()`, followed by `itrs_to_hor()` instead.

- `cel2ter()` / `ter2cel()`: These function can be somewhat confusing to use. You are likely better off with
`tod_to_itrs()` and `cirs_to_itrs()` instead.

- `app_star()`, `app_planet()`, `topo_star()` and `topo_planet()`: These use the old (pre IAU 2000) methodology,
which isn't clear from their naming. Use `place()` or `place_star()` with `NOVAS_TOD` or `NOVAS_CIRS` as the system
instead, as appropriate.

- `readeph()`: prone to memtoy leaks, and not flexible with its origin (e.g. barycenter vs heliocenter). Instead, use
a similar `novas_ephem_provider` implementation and `set_ephem_provider()` instead for a more flexible and less
troublesome equivalent, which also does not need to be baked into the library but can be configured at runtime.

- `tdb2tt()`. Use `tt2tdb()` instead. It's both more intuitive (returning the time difference as a double) and faster
to calculate, not to mention that it implements the more standard approach.

24 changes: 13 additions & 11 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
# Contributing to SuperNOVAS

The _SuperNOVAS_ library is for everyone. While I, Attila Kovacs, am the maintainer of this library at the
Smithsonian, I absolutely rely on developers like you to make it better. Whether there is a nagging issue you would
like to fix, or a new feature you'd like to see, you can make a difference yourself. I very much encourange you to
Expand All @@ -6,23 +9,22 @@ here are the typical steps for contributing to the project:

1. Old or new __Issue__? Whether you just found a bug, or you are missing a much needed feature, start by checking
open (and closed) [Issues]( If an existing issue seems like a
good match to yours, feel free to raise your hand and comment on it, to make your voice heard, or to offer help in
resolving it. If you find no issues that match, go ahead and create a new one.
good match to yours, feel free to speak up, comment, or to offer help in resolving it. If you find no issues that
match, go ahead and create a new one.

2. __Fork__. Is it something you'd like to help resolve? Great! You should start by creating your own fork of the
repository so you can work freely on your solution. We also recommend that you place your work on a branch of your
fork, which is named either after the issue number, e.g. `issue-192`, or some other descriptive name, such as
repository so you can work freely on your solution. I recommend that you place your work on a branch of your fork,
which is named either after the issue number, e.g. `issue-192`, or some other descriptive name, such as

3. __Develop__. Feel free to experiment on your fork/branch. If you run into a dead-end, you can always abandon it
(which is why branches are great) and start anew. You can run your own tests locally using `make test`
before committing your changes. If the tests pass, you should also try running `make all` and to ensure that
all components of the the package and its API documentation are also in order. Remember to synchronize your `master`
branch by fetching changes from upstream every once in a while, and merging them into your development branch. Don't
forget to:
3. __Develop__. Experiment on your fork/branch freely. If you run into a dead-end, you can always abandon it (which is
why branches are great) and start anew. You can run your own tests locally using `make test` before committing your
changes. If the tests pass, you should also try running `make all` and to ensure that all components of the package
and its API documentation are also in order. Remember to synchronize your `master` branch by fetching changes from
upstream every once in a while, and merging them into your development branch. Don't forget to:

- Add __doxygen__ markup your new code. You can keep it sweet and simple, but make sure it properly explains your
global constants, functions, their arguments and return values. You should also cross-reference other functions /
globally exposed functions, their arguments and return values. You should also cross-reference other functions /
constants that are similar, related, or relevant to what you just added.

- Add __Unit Tests__. Make sure your new code has as close to full unit test coverage as possible. You can add
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Doxyfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@ FILE_PATTERNS = *.c \
*.ice \
*.mm \
*.mm \

# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to specify whether or not subdirectories should
# be searched for input files as well.
Expand All @@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ RECURSIVE = NO
# Note that relative paths are relative to the directory from which doxygen is
# run.


# The EXCLUDE_SYMLINKS tag can be used to select whether or not files or
# directories that are symbolic links (a Unix file system feature) are excluded
Expand Down
31 changes: 16 additions & 15 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ include

.PHONY: api
api: static shared cio_file dox
api: static shared cio_ra.bin dox

.PHONY: static
static: lib/novas.a
Expand All @@ -24,30 +24,25 @@ shared: lib/
.PHONY: solsys
solsys: obj/solsys1.o obj/eph_manager.o obj/solsys2.o obj/jplint.o obj/solsys3.o obj/solsys-ephem.o

.PHONY: tools
tools: lib/novas.a
make -C tools

.PHONY: test
test: tools
make -C test run

.PHONY: coverage
coverage: test
make -C test coverage

.PHONY: all
all: api solsys tools test coverage check
all: api solsys test coverage check

.PHONY: clean
rm -f
@make -C tools clean
rm -f object bin/cio_file
@make -C test clean

.PHONY: distclean
@make -C tools clean
distclean: clean
rm -f lib cio_ra.bin
@make -C test clean

Expand All @@ -61,9 +56,13 @@ lib/ $(SOURCES) | lib
$(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $^ -shared -fPIC

# CIO locator data
.PHONY: cio_file
cio_file: lib/novas.a
make -C tools cio_file
.PHONY: cio_ra.bin
cio_ra.bin: bin/cio_file lib/novas.a data/CIO_RA.TXT
bin/cio_file data/CIO_RA.TXT $@
rm -f bin/cio_file

bin/cio_file: obj/cio_file.o | bin
$(CC) -o $@ $^ $(LFLAGS)

obj/jplint.o: $(SRC)/jplint.f
gfortran -c -o $@ $<
Expand All @@ -74,6 +73,8 @@

vpath %.c $(SRC)

# ===============================================================================
# Generic targets and recipes below...
# ===============================================================================
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