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Developer Log

Jonathan Nacionales edited this page Apr 9, 2020 · 8 revisions

April 08, 2020 (Jonathan Nacionales)

This is interesting

March 06, 2020 (Jonathan Nacionales)

Installed NASA/nos3

I discovered that Vagrant 2.2.7 may have had a bug that caused vagrant plugins not to install.

This prevented me from running the nos3 virtual machine.

When I used Vagrant 2.2.5 and VirtualBox 6.0.18 it worked.

March 01, 2020 (Jonathan Nacionales)

Found the following papers. Will read in detail later.

February 28, 2020 (Jonathan Nacionales)

Alternative Simulation Tools

We can't compile and deploy GMAT, currently; so, I looked for alternative open source simulation tools. I found the following for smallsats:

The nos3 simulation tool has a fully automated build process. The opensatkit has a better GUI.

Learning Cesium Application Development

I need to understand how to build Cesium Applications.

I found their sample code section in their github repository (

I plan to currently hardcode a hand made czml for an orbit around the equator.

I put the scaffolding for this in /application/cessium-poc in this repo.

It is not complete, yet.